Overwhelm and Anxiety
Feeling overwhelmed and anxious is a pretty common complaint these days. Even a short time out in public spaces or listening to the news can be quite distressing.
Here is a process of focusing your awareness that you can do in just a few minutes nearly anywhere except driving.
1. Focus your attention on one body part at a time and really feel the surfaces that are touching you- clothing, seat, floor.
2. Notice the temperature of the air on your exposed skin, sense the darkness or light with your eyes closed.
3. Now expand your awareness to your energy that is outside the confines of your body- your aura. Feel how large it is and what it passes through or comes to rest against.
4. Now enjoy feeling yourself taking up all of this space, both physically and energetically. Stamp your feet and revel in your own solidity.
5. Take a few deep, slow breaths with your hands on your hips and your feet spread wide as you become accustomed to this expanded way of being.
From this place of confidence and self-awareness you can let love and compassion for others flow effortlessly out of you and towards everyone around you, without judgement or restriction. Practicing self-love and self-care in this way makes you more capable of helping others. It also makes you less likely to feel overwhelmed and more in control of your own emotions.
This is not intended to dismiss or minimize the issues of anyone dealing with panic attacks, depression, or severe anxiety disorder. It is aimed at those who are looking for a new tool to deal with situational anxiety.
It is also a terrific way of realizing your power to effect change in the world by sending out love. This is an active endeavor that can decrease your sense of helplessness with all that is going on around the globe.
Here is a fantastic talk on standing in your power by Amy Cuddy
Thank you Kristi for this empowering meditation and suggestion. It really works to help restore calm and eliminate anxiety.