We help women entrepreneurs to clear emotional clutter, shatter limiting beliefs, and connect more deeply to spirit to magnify their personal and professional lives.
Our specialty is in reigniting the inner divine of powerful women who already know what they do is special and important!
We guide you to connect more clearly to your inner knowing so you may confidently magnify your unique brilliance and make a greater impact in the world.
We are excited to be the catalyst for your energetic expansion!
Amy Antonellis

Amy believes that the key to life is living via inspiration and that one cannot unlock their true potential until they are willing to listen and surrender. Upon the untimely death of her father Mark, Amy emphasized the importance of spirit an… (read more)
Kristi has two great passions: art and supporting women on their journey to tap into their own Divine wisdom. Her ability to tap into other people’s emotions allows her to connect on a deep, soul level where she can meet you where you are and (read more)