Divine Feminine Empowerment Program:
This unique program is specifically designed for women looking to connect more deeply to Gaia, the Divine Feminine Energy, and their true purpose. Using channeled imagery to connect to your subconscious, you will find your inner wisdom and revel in your feminine lineage. As a result you will feel empowered, confident, and clear about your path forward.
Whether on your own or in a group, in-person or virtual, this program will open you up to a fuller knowledge of yourself and your creative place in the world.
There are multiple ways to experience this Divine Feminine Empowerment:
1. Divine Feminine Empowerment Group Journey
2. Divine Feminine Empowerment One-to-One Guided Journey
3. Individual sessions
4. Divine Feminine Empowerment for Moms and Moms-To-Be
5. Small Group Workshops in person or virtually. Connect with Kristi for more information.
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Emotional Integration System:
This unique system of energetically charged images allows you to identify the root of your emotional issues and assist you to shift the energy so that you may move into deeper emotional wellness. Stress, anxiety, fear, and self-doubt are just some of the issues this system addresses. Read More.
Light ConnectionTM
We are original receivers of Light Connection, a unique energy treatment that magnifies the focus of your energy to accelerate its manifestation in your life. This signature treatment is offered in two levels: Light Connection Healing and Light Connection Immersion. Read more here.
Light Connection Immersion TM
Light Connection Immersion is a transformational modality. It is delivered by two practitioners to eliminate all limits to expansion and personal evolution.$280 . Read more
Light Connection Healing TM
This form of Light Connection is performed with one practitioner. With this session fear, anxiousness, and indecision are replaced with empowerment, peace and clarity regarding your path forward. $150 Read more.
Holy Fire III works so well remotely that only 30 minutes is required. Enjoy a complete emotional reset from the coziness of your own home. Emerge feeling refreshed, grounded, energized, and ready to face life with confidence and grace. Channeled messaging and guidance are a common component of this treatment. $75, remote. Read more.
Prefer the IN-PERSON approach? Enjoy the serenity of the lovely space at 320 West Main Street, Norton, MA for Reiki Plus for a soothing 60 minute session that may include the soothing scents of essential oils, chakra balancing crystals, and possibly channeled messaging from loved ones in spirit or your spirit guides. $125 in person.
Akashic Record Reading
Take an interactive trip into your own past lives to discover and resolve patterns of behavior, interpersonal conflicts, fears and phobias. Kristi channels the Lords of the Akashic Records to answer your questions. $125, remote. Read more.
Mini Akashic Record Reading– 1 question only. $75
Vision Coaching, Spiritual Expansion & Intuitive Wealth Mindset Coaching
Whether you are you looking for guidance on your spiritual journey, support for managing your empathic abilities, or tools to manifest abundance in your life, we will joyfully guide you towards your magnified, most peaceful self. Read More.