Releasing What No Longer Serves

I love fall in New England! I love the colors, the crisp air, the intense blue skies, and the crunch of leaves on the ground.

We talk a lot about the need to release things that no longer serve you. Autumn is a perfect reminder to let go.

The trees need to release their leaves in order to safely survive the winter. This happens annually because letting things go is not a “one and done” kind of exercise. It reoccurs as different things pop up. I used to think once I had released old feelings or patterns of reacting, they would no longer effect my life.

Oh boy, how wrong I was! Take my eating habits (please!) Years ago I realized that some of my eating patterns are from my childhood, and I set out to leave those behaviors behind. Recently I’ve realized that I’ve been letting my 5 year old self make food choices for adult me, and have been taking back the reins. Each time I understand a new facet of how my past is influencing my present, I deal with it.

Old stuff is buried in many spots and each one surfaces under different circumstances. I admit, it’s frustrating to have to wrestle with something I thought I had gotten rid of, but it’s always worth it to release another part into the earth. Just like with leaves, the earth takes old energy and transforms it into something beautiful. This season be like the trees and let that old, unwanted stuff go (again, if necessary!)