Visual Meditation

Visual Meditation Blog

What is a Visual Meditation? Will I be watching someone meditate? Is there going to be lovely vistas to lull me into a calmer state? These may be some of your questions, so I’m going to fill you in not only on what it is, but how it came to be!

Visual Meditation is a brand new (I think) form of meditating. If you have ever heard of or experienced automatic writing, that’s how this came to me but in abstract watercolor images instead of words.

I had an urge from spirit telling me to set up 10 pieces of watercolor paper taped to boards all around the table with my paints, water, spray bottle, flow medium, and my biggest brushes. I had no idea what was coming, but I had the time, so I followed directions and got everything ready.

Half way done!

Once I was set up I took a deep breath, fully connected to spirit, let go of control, and let the fun begin! In just a little over an hour I had 10 paintings completed!! It was clear to me that they were in order, so I took photos to remember their order.

Final one complete, bottom right, still wet!

Next, I shared them with a few close friends and received a little feedback on them. We understood that each image carried its own energetic vibration and together they provoked a sense of calm, peace, and clarity.

The next step was putting them into a powerpoint presentation each with a few words to guide the experience. I added music to one version, and finally a guided meditation to another. Both of those versions are offered here for free.

The combination of the energetic vibration of the images, soothing music, and guided meditation bring you quickly to a place of peacefulness. Each image will soon have its own individual meditation, and a Peace Journal with the whole series of images plus journal prompts is now available too!

photo of bunny Center for Holistic Healing and Art

No More Hiding

photo of bunny Center for Holistic Healing and Art

This week I have heard a phrase repeated several times: “no more hiding”. It popped into my head seeing this bunny in my yard. It came as I was commenting publicly about Monday night’s presidential debate, which is out of character for me. It showed up again in a group meditation where all of us heard it loudly and clearly:  “The time to be passive is far behind. Take charge.”

I saw a video of Gary Vaynerchuk saying that he thinks there is a silent majority of people who are happy and keeping it to themselves, but the tiny percent of unhappy, angry folks are loud and make it seem as if they are the majority. His video is called Positivity on Offense!! 

Here’s my takeaway: the time to speak up is now, to stop being afraid of angering the already angry, to meet hate with love and kindness. Many atrocities have happened in our history because well-meaning people kept silent, stood by and did nothing. I don’t want to be part of that silent majority who stood by and didn’t counter the swell of hate, misinformation and anger. I want to speak up and be heard as hopeful, loving and happy.

Are you part of the happy majority? To be part of that, every moment doesn’t need to be perfect sunshine and roses, but overall are you content with where you are in life and looking forward to the future?

I am happy and I’m excited about it the future! I know that I will get out of life exactly what I put into it and experiencing more joy is at the top of my to-do list.

Let’s change the presumption that unhappiness is the norm. Let’s be the voices of love and use positive energy to change the tide and bring healing instead of division. Say it with me: ” I am HAPPY!”

Navigating Life As An Empath

Last night we had the privilege of holding an Empath Support Group at Uplifting Connections in Bridgewater at the generous invitation of the owners, Kellie and Jon Hailey.  14 empaths gathered to share concerns and questions as well as stories of challenges and triumphs. Questions were sometimes answered from our experiences but often channeled directly from Spirit. We are fully supported in our quest to live comfortable and meaningful lives!! Those in attendance ranged in age from recent graduates to retirees and were all relieved to see recognition and understanding on the other faces in the group as they spoke of experiences many in their lives had deemed somehow wrong or unacceptable.

Each time we hold one of these groups there is a common theme or thread that runs through the evening. Last night’s theme was personal emotional safety and coping with the extra feelings of those around you. Several important tools were shared including staying grounded and practicing good self-care. Among the specific coping mechanisms that were shared, many talked about spending time outside, being in or near water, using deep breathing, prayer and crystals. One of the more unique practices was to write the unwanted emotions down and then to shred the paper while deliberately releasing the emotions as it shredded. I have a feeling there will be some busy shredders in the upcoming weeks!  A full list of all of these tried and true suggestions was created and it may be found here.

One final thought that is important enough to repeat here- we are all connected- how that shows up in our lives differs but we should always try to react to another with compassion and from a place of love. Whether you know who those “extra” emotions belong to or not, sending out love and light is a powerful and empowering tool that will help keep you safe, aid those you are sensing and help you release those emotions that don’t belong to you.

Spirit retreat 2016 Puerto Vallarta sunset from the boardwalk of the city


An affirmation is a word or words that will bolster your confidence, solidify your resolve and encourage you to take the next step no matter how daunting. something to keep you moving forward.

Here’s a perfect example: once our 7 year old neighbor was dropped off by the school bus and no one was home to meet him. He came to our door and we could hear him repeating to himself “Be brave, just be brave” until he knocked on our door to ask for help. Now I’m fairly certain no one coached him to do that, he just knew that he needed support and to get that he needed to overcome his shyness. Giving himself a dose of a confidence-boosting affirmation was just the ticket. He was only out there a few moments before he knocked.

Affirmations are a way to use our conscious mind to alter the deep-seated beliefs and behaviors. This can be a part of your daily self-care and a gentle way to show yourself love. The ones that work the best are those that target the real issue that is slowing you down. I believe it is more effective to focus on just a few (one to three max). It is critical to choose affirmations that are stated in the present and in the positive voice i.e. “I am fearless.”

Do something with me, try these phrases on for size by saying them out loud: I am enough; I am strong; I am worthy; I am accomplished; I am beautiful; I am lovable; I am powerful; I trust my instincts; I embrace change; I welcome challenges; I am capable; I love myself; I am successful. The one or ones that are the most difficult for you to say with truth and conviction may be where you want to begin your daily affirmation ritual.  

Say it out loud at least a few times per day. Affirmations aren’t going to change how you feel immediately but rather over time- you say it and think it with your conscious mind until your subconscious aligns. Soon you begin making decisions and taking actions as if it were true until your words, actions and feelings about that affirmation all line up!

Open Eyes

Open Eyes


Sometimes what we do physically is related to what we are doing/need to do internally or spiritually. Today was one of those days for me. After taking the air conditioner out of my kitchen window, I was prompted to clean the glass inside and out so I could – you see where I’m going with this – see clearly.

Over the past few weeks I have had a recurrent issue with waking up and having first one and then the other eye swollen nearly shut. After it happened a second time Andrea asked me “What aren’t you seeing?” I shrugged it off, not being able to think of anything off the top of my head that I had been avoiding, or turning away from. Now with the clean windows an old church hymn from my youth comes to mind “Open My Eyes” by Clara H. Scott. Written in 1895, it is as current today as when she wrote it over 100 years ago! Here are a few lines from it:

“Open my eyes that I may see   glimpses of truth thou hast for me  place in my hand that wonderful key that shall unclasp and set me free.”

” Open my eyes, ears and heart, illumine me, Spirit divine.”

I take this to mean that I need to be even more aware and “looking out” for the truth and illumination of the Spirit and how I may use it to serve and connect with others. I will keep this in mind and endeavor to be a bearer of Light as I interact with people through my art, Reiki, Light Connection, and mediumship.

Have a wonderful, Light-filled weekend my friend!
