Entries by Kristi Johnston

Continuing the Artistic Irish Journey

I have happily continued to be inspired by my Ireland photos. I have finished the 24 paintings I planned for this series. Below are 7, the rest will follow tomorrow! I had to do at least one painting of Ben Bulben, which is iconic in County Sligo. The dark almost vertical marks on the side […]

More Ireland Images

I’ve been painting away and have more images to share with you from my trip to Ireland. I will admit that I haven’t been painting them in the order that I saw them. I am putting the county and town as part of their title so you may find the places that are meaningful to […]

Releasing What No Longer Serves

I love fall in New England! I love the colors, the crisp air, the intense blue skies, and the crunch of leaves on the ground. We talk a lot about the need to release things that no longer serve you. Autumn is a perfect reminder to let go. The trees need to release their leaves […]

Overwhelm and Anxiety

Feeling overwhelmed and anxious is a pretty common complaint these days. Even a short time out in public spaces or listening to the news can be quite distressing. Here is a process of focusing your awareness that you can do in just a few minutes nearly anywhere except driving. 1. Focus your attention on one […]

No More Hiding

This week I have heard a phrase repeated several times: “no more hiding”. It popped into my head seeing this bunny in my yard. It came as I was commenting publicly about Monday night’s presidential debate, which is out of character for me. It showed up again in a group meditation where all of us […]

Vulnerability- permission for mistreatment?

In discussing vulnerability, it seems clear that is really what is necessary to create the deepest, most meaningful connections.  Feeling connected is what we are all yearning for- connection to ourselves, to each other and to the Divine. However whenever we talk about vulnerability, we also begin to hear fear and anxiety enter the conversation. […]

Navigating Life As An Empath

Last night we had the privilege of holding an Empath Support Group at Uplifting Connections in Bridgewater at the generous invitation of the owners, Kellie and Jon Hailey.  14 empaths gathered to share concerns and questions as well as stories of challenges and triumphs. Questions were sometimes answered from our experiences but often channeled directly from […]


An affirmation is a word or words that will bolster your confidence, solidify your resolve and encourage you to take the next step no matter how daunting. something to keep you moving forward. Here’s a perfect example: once our 7 year old neighbor was dropped off by the school bus and no one was home […]