
5 Easy Ways to Regain Your Emotional Balance

These days, what’s happening in the world can have you on an emotional roller-coaster. I want to assure you that you’re not alone, and also to offer 5 simple ways to regain your emotional balance.

Photo by blueberry Maki on Unsplash
  1. Breathe. Super basic, right? Except I am talking about that mindful, purposefully deep, breath. Try it! Breathe deeply in through your nose, hold for a few seconds, then blow out slowly and completely through your mouth. Repeat two to three times and notice how much calmer you feel.
  2. Feel your feelings. No matter how messy they are, give yourself permission to feel them. It’s natural to want to bottle up emotions to “deal with later”, but you must feel them to get beyond them. Think of them like a train approaching, getting closer, right in front of you in all of its intensity and power, then speeding away down the tracks into memory.
  3. Tell yourself “of course I felt that way”. Validating your own feelings can help you move on from them. This is about being accepting, so skip trying to minimize them or talk yourself out of them.
  4. Remind yourself that in this moment you are safe. You may even piggy-back this one onto the deep breathing like a mantra. Your fight, flight or freeze reaction will respond to your conscious self-talk that everything really is ok right in this moment.
  5. Notice the things around you. Appreciate the sky, a tree, fresh smells, anything about your surroundings. This will bring you out of your head and into the present moment.

Remember that you are in charge of how you feel. Taking a few moments to choose how to feel puts you back in charge so you can focus on being your best self!

Looking for more in depth ways to thrive as an empath or intuitive? Book a discovery call to see if coaching is for you!

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Healer Heal Thyself

Healer, Heal Thyself

Many of us have heard this phrase, but how often do we actually listen? In today’s world of “there is so much to do” how many of you actually take the time to sink down into your own body, into your own consciousness, and just listen? I bet it’s been a long time huh?  How many practitioners out there rave about meditation and connection and source and unplugging and yet run around in their day-to-day without taking a minute to feed their own soul or remember their own connections? Sometimes it’s difficult to practice what you preach.
Today I have a call to action for those of you who are looking to put yourself first, for those of you who are looking to recharge.  I’m putting together a challenge.  This challenge consists of taking one minute to yourself every single day, a single minute.  Yes, simply one.  Sometimes it’s hard to kick old habits [giving, giving, giving and never replenishing].  😉 The challenge is to take a minute for yourself every single day and then share in this community what exactly it is that you did for yourself.  Did you sit with your eyes closed and your heart open? Did you simply listen to your favorite song? Did you hit pause? What did you do to refocus and re-center just for a single minute.  Do we want you to take more time for yourself overall? Absolutely! But for now, let’s just try this. Give me a minute, and I’ll give you the charge that you’re looking for.

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As healers, much of your focus is on the outside, on the rest of the community, and you neglect yourself.  Today, I ask that you reclaim your own body and your own power and dedicate true self love for simply a minute.  Every minute will look different, but I promise you, at the end of 30 days (yes, 30), you will find more self-love than ever before AND you won’t feel guilty for taking a 30 minute “escape.”  Put away the guilt and start replenishing the soul.  It all starts with baby steps.  We will have a 30 minute celebration at the Center at the end of the month.  I look forward to seeing you all there! Stay tuned for details!
With light,