
Why Is This Still Coming Up?

“I can’t believe I’m doing this again! After all the work I’ve done around abundance, why are my worries about lack still coming up?!”

Have you had this or a similar thought about something you’ve worked really hard on over your lifetime and felt blindsided by it coming up again? I sure have! In fact, that quote was a conversation I had with myself recently.

It can be about lack, worthiness, being good enough, getting it wrong, or any number of things. Unfortunately, the things we work on don’t magically resolve permanently, but instead gradually diminish in their power over time. Diminishing the power of an old story requires that we replace those old stories with meaningful alternatives that support the narrative we WANT for our life. That takes focused and persistent effort. 

I have spent many years on personal development and part of that has focused on discovering how I came up with the story that there wasn’t enough (of anything) in my life. Having trained myself to SEE abundance everywhere, I can use that to reassure myself that it’s there for me as well as others. I’m now at a point where MOST of the time I feel that my life is abundant. I recognize that’s a huge win! Still, every once in a while I hit a snag, and I revert to the old story.

While at times it can be frustrating, I’ve learned not to beat myself up when I revert to old patterns because I know how the story of ‘not enough’ shows up for me: feeling like normal things are too risky, like I’m not doing enough, like there isn’t enough time, like things I want/need are too expensive. Now, I can catch those feelings before they take over and deal with them quickly. Usually all I need to do is provide reassurance to my inner child that I can manage things, and I’m once again enjoying the freedom of feeling abundant. 

Worries are normal! They only become problematic when they take over and derail your efforts towards your dreams and goals.

All of the negative little voices in our heads have one thing in common, they use fear to undercut our motivation to go after our dreams. Those little voices love to whisper that everything would be safer if we never stepped outside of our comfort zone. They tell us we can’t or shouldn’t follow our dreams and provide a myriad of reasons why not.

One glaring fault in that subconscious ‘logic’ is that everything we want that we don’t already have involves doing something we’ve never done to get there. The unknown is risky and that negative little voice hates risk of any kind. Those subconscious thoughts present the anti-motivational speech in whatever ways most concern you.

No matter what your inner fears are, your subconscious is a master at using those to try to keep you playing small and comfortable.  Fear keeps you in your predictable, known little world where it’s relatively ‘safe’.  We know however, that those fears aren’t true! Your subconscious lies, and you deserve to go after what you want in a way that brings you joy!

As good as our subconscious is at derailing us, the amazing news is that you can also train it to work with you towards your goals instead of against you. Life-changing!!

That can be accomplished in many ways and they all take varying amounts of time. Amy and I are impatient, so when we came across a way to fast-track that process, we were pretty excited. We used this process on ourselves and realized that by essentially blowing up the old beliefs and rebuilding them from the ground up, it saves a ton of time and effort.  This process tackles most of the main roadblocks to personal peace and professional success ALL AT ONCE! The changes we saw in our lives were nearly immediate and definitely impactful.

It is so powerful, we want to share it with anyone who is ready to uncover their old stories and make big changes in a short time. If you’re ready to blast away your limiting beliefs and see incredible shifts in how you show up in the world and feel about yourself, then we want that for you too!

This process isn’t for the faint-of-heart and yes, it can be really intense. That might be unsettling for some people. Know that you are in charge of how deep into your own subconscious you go, what you discover, and exactly what you decide to do with that information. We provide and hold the space, offer the tools for unlocking your subconscious, and give you the guidance to explore and shift what’s holding you back; but you are actually in control of every step of that journey.

Women are changing the world, and women entrepreneurs are at the leading edge of that change. You need excellent support to be the instrument of change you want to be for all of the people you come in contact with daily!

So, want a taste of what this process looks like?! We ma de a FREE 2 hour zoom offering so that you can experience how it works and feel the possibility of change.  Here’s a free opportunity for you to connect deeply with your subconscious, clear out some clutter, and create space for new possibilities.  

Don’t miss the FREE Divine Diva Mini Experience on Feb. 2, 204 from 7:30-9:30 pm EST. Sign up here!!!!.

P.S. Transformation tends to be easier when the people we love join us on the journey. Don’t forget to invite a friend so you can have the experience together. I promise you won’t regret it!!!

P.P.S. If you already know you’re ready to jump in with both feet, we created the Divine Diva Discovery Program as a completely immersive, transformational experience for a small group of change-making women.  We provide the sacred and safe container, you find your wings and soar.  You can sign-up here.

End of the Year Reflections

We’re big fans of reflection at the end of the year. It’s important to take the time to reflect on where you are, where you were, and where you’d like to go as you head into the New Year. As the world continues to rotate, we head deep into winter and a time of contemplation. As we change over the calendar, the year’s end is a natural time to take note of endings and beginnings. This is also the time when many people set their goals for next year, and while that can be productive, it can also be stressful. Here are five things to keep in mind to have the best year-end wrap up:

  1. Do not take out the beat-up stick: This is a time for you to look at your journey with kindness and grace. Punishment and self-loathing are never good motivators. Don’t use them on yourself!
  2. Ignore the media: There are so many gimmicks during this time of year that claim to have quick-fix, silver bullet answers. Don’t fall for it. There’s no such thing as a silver bullet and the best evolution comes from you finding your own answers from within!
  3.  Dare greatly: Don’t sell yourself and your vision short this year. Imagine you have your own personal GPS and plug in a destination. CHOOSE. You’ll never move forward in any direction if you don’t know where you’re going. Important note: if you head out on your route and decide it’s not right for you, choose again! Course correcting is important and is always encouraged.
  4. Don’t rely on magical thinking: Manifestation does not = sitting in a room thinking happy thoughts and then doing nothing to move yourself towards your vision. Manifestation = intention + attention + action! The action part is important. Don’t let anybody else tell you otherwise. This is the true formula for success.
  5. Keep up your energy: Be mindful of your energy levels. Do what makes you feel good. It’s easy to make choices that are not in alignment with your vision when you’re depleted and don’t take care of yourself. Find what it is that keeps your vibration high and keep doing it. It’s really hard to put your intention, attention, and action towards something consistently if you’re not taking care of yourself.

We hope this quick list helps anchor you to a very happy, healthy, and prosperous new year.

With love and light,

Amy and Kristi

Where Are You Holding Back?

The time is now, restraint is in the rear-view mirror!

To say that everything is transforming feels like an understatement. The word transformation doesn’t quite match the magnitude of what we’re shattering and rebuilding. Metamorphosis is better….although, not quite. In addition to all the shake-ups at the Divine Energy Collaborative, we’re writing another book! This is the first we’ve told anybody about it and we’re not even close to finished. We’ve discovered with this book that we’re not allowed to continue writing until we really dig deep and work through the concepts Spirit is presenting. It’s almost like a spiritual guidebook and a memoire, everything you will eventually read, we’ve tackled head-on. It doesn’t get put to paper unless we’ve worked through the concepts ourselves!

In the meantime, we were instructed to share this this quote with you:

“You belong to this earth as much as you belong to the energy of the universe. You don’t have to prove anything to anyone to gain admittance.” 

This quote struck us like a lightning bolt. We see people repeatedly stop themselves short because they feel like they don’t belong, that they don’t have what it takes, that they’re not possibly smart enough, important enough, good enough, simply enough, to go after exactly what it is they desire in their lives. They sell themselves short because in their minds they couldn’t possibly be the person capable of delivering. These stories run deep, especially for women, and many times they don’t even allow themselves to feel the true extent of their desires because they have no faith in the possibility. So, we shut ourselves off, we shut ourselves down, and we hide. The result? We perpetually remain small.

What would it look like if you truly felt the unconditional love of source energy, if you truly felt like you belonged? What would you say? What would you do? Where would your dreams lead you? We know you have dreams, but what if your dreams could be magnified to reflect your heart’s truest desire? A true symphony of your soul projected from your consciousness out into the world? Where would you be then?

Our goal is for every woman to feel the unconditional love of source energy, to help people magnify their innate connection, to show people that they do belong, and that they are the ultimate source of creation. Everything we do moving forward is going to be in that vein and we’re really excited about the journey! 

Our first event in 2024 is our Divine Diva Discovery Workshop. This weekend-intensive is specifically designed for women who are seeking to step into their brilliance and own their power and role in the universe. During our time together, we create a sacred container that magnifies your connection to self and source, deepens your sense of openness and belonging, and removes internal blocks to allow the infinite to unfold. We’re looking to shake things up and awaken everyone along the way!!! 

This weekend is limited to 10 people!!! If you’re ready to step into the Divine and magnify your true potential click the link below to save your seat!!!!


This event WILL SELL OUT!!! Early bird pricing is available now until Jan. 1st! Use the code EARLYBIRD to save $164!!!

For more information on this incredible opportunity, check it out here!

Stop Taking Poison Expecting Other People to Suffer

For me, one of the most challenging parts of being in relationship with others is that you have to let them take their journey for themselves. Regardless of what I may think, I have no control over how they react, what they say, how they process, or how they move forward, NONE.  My thoughts on someone else’s life are completely irrelevant.  This has come up for me recently in the context of forgiveness.  Specifically, when conflict arises how does one truly forgive and move forward?

Nobody is immune from conflict with others.  Conflicts come in many forms and in many different types of relationships.  Whether it’s a child, parent, teacher, boss, lover, etc. you’re going to deal with conflict at some point in your life.  What makes conflict particularly challenging is that you have zero control over another’s engagement and whether you will receive an apology.  The best part? You get to decide whether you require an apology and what that actually means to you.  Aren’t relationships fun?! YAY! Haha.

Throughout the years, in many of my relationships, I’ve struggled with whether an apology is required in order for me to find peace and forgive them.  I’ve played this game both ways, I’ve had a direct conversation with the individual and I’ve also played along with the other party as though nothing’s happened.  My preference is being direct and that has always led to the best outcome for me.  I feel out-of-sorts when I can’t confront things head on.  But what happens if the other party doesn’t want to participate? What if you reach out and get crickets? What then? Does it matter? Do you simply bury your head in the sand and decide to stay angry or bury your feelings and play along as if nothing happened?

Suprisingly, the other party’s participation is completely irrelevant to which path you choose!  If you’re feeling wronged, you must first identify what you’re truly feeling and why you are feeling that way.  From there, you have a choice. Are you going to let your aggrieved feelings take away your peace or are you going to reach for a better feeling emotion?  Although a common knee-jerk reaction may be to request an apology and wait for one, you must decide what you’re going to do if one is never coming.  Spoiler alert, staying angry is not the answer!

It may feel counterintuitive, but when you choose anger over forgiveness, YOU are the only person that truly suffers.  Staying in anger allows others to occupy your mind space and it results in you giving away your power.  Keep beating the drum of anger, you’re going to get more anger! There’s a huge price that you pay for that.  It’s akin to taking poison and expecting the other person to suffer.    

So how do you find peace in conflict? You must clear the emotional space that has been taken up within you.  You must face your emotions on your own despite the other party’s involvement.  After you ask yourself what you are feeling and why you are feeling that way, attempt to describe the situation in a neutral manner. Can you write about it devoid of emotion? Can you tell somebody without inflammatory language? No? Okay, you’ve got more work to do.  Kick and scream a little more and then try again.  You must get yourself to the point where you can describe the event as neutral.  From there, the real healing can begin.

I have a step-by-step process that I’ve used to clear some major conflicts in my life.  It starts with a willingness within me to feel less angry and a desire to regain my peace.  While it’s not possible to outline the entire process here, above is an excellent starting point!  If any of this resonates with you, I also have an invitation for you to get you further along in your healing journey.

On December 7th, from 7:30-8:30 pm Kristi and I are offering a FREE virtual Divine Diva Mini-Experience.  This channeled immersive art experience can facilitate you getting to the place where you’re willing to release any stuck emotions buried within.  From there, you choose how to move forward, and you can take your next steps with greater clarity and an anchoring to the Divine.  Please join us in opening your heart, filling you with light, and safely and gently removing your roadblocks.  If you’re ready to start bringing your life to the next level head-on, this event is for you!  

This event will not be recorded.  Please click here to RSVP.  We hope to see you there!   

With love and light,


Take Up Space

Today, we’re talking about taking up space. What does taking up space actually mean? Why is it important? How can you take up space?

For us, taking up space means to be fully embodied.  It means that you are present, you are grounded, you are showing up as your full and true authentic self; bold, beautiful, courageous, and full of life-force energy.  When you take up space you are saying that you are worthy: worthy of being; worthy of being seen; and worthy of your thoughts, feelings, wishes, and needs.  It is a way of honoring yourself to take up space and show up in your full light.  When you are fully embodied you are harnessing your divine power and honoring your oneness with the universe.


For many, taking up space is difficult.  It can feel incredibly vulnerable.  Showing up every day in your strength and wholeness is not an exercise many are familiar with.  As women especially, we are taught from an early age to dim our light. Many are preconditioned to not be an inconvenience, to not tell those around us what we need, to minimize our wants and desires.  For centuries, we’ve been expected to hide, play small, and let the men take the lead.  This programming has caused the idea of taking up space so uncomfortable.  We have literally been conditioned to hide our thoughts and desires!


Power pose taking up space


So, what happens when we hide?  When we hide, when we diminish our needs, dim our light, and create death and turmoil inside of us. We plague ourselves with doubt, worry, anxiety, and dis-ease.  When we hide our true nature and our passions, we remain in conflict with ourself and our divinity and we start to slowly kill ourselves from the inside out.  When we hide, we remain within and we wither away.    Each day that you do not express your wishes, needs, and desires, you are affirming that you are unworthy. You are subconsciously telling yourself that you are less than, and that you are not deserving.  But why? Why would we do this to ourselves?

In addition to societal conditioning, there are many driving forces that keep us small.  Fear of failure, feelings of inadequacy, imposter syndrome, fear of judgment, and even fear of success. The infinite inner-stories and tapes that we play repeatedly to ourselves keep us from living a fully embodied life.  The fear of rejection and the worry of the “what-ifs” cause us to withhold our truth and can even stop people from having truly authentic relationships. You’ve likely been withholding in so many areas of your life, you’re not even aware that you’re doing it!    

So, how do we fix it?  Step one, start telling people how you’re feeling and what you need! Seriously. Every day.  You have needs and emotions, tell someone! By sharing your thoughts and your needs you are showing up for yourself. The more you show up for yourself the more you train your subconscious that you are worthy of a truly spectacular life. It’s that easy!!!

Start small! “I need a drink of water.” “Can you please pick up the groceries?” “I’m feeling sad today, what would really help me is my book and my blanket.”  It doesn’t matter what you need, YOU JUST NEED YOU TO TELL SOMEONE!!!! And then, you’re going to stand in receiving! More on receiving another day.  😉

Living a fully embodied life = showing up for yourself by telling others your thoughts, needs, and emotions.

Yes, it seems crazy, but start to pay attention to yourself as you go throughout your day. How many times a day do you cut yourself short?  How often do you diminish your desires? How often are you keeping your thoughts and emotions within?

Our goal is to get you back in touch with your infinite self and allow you to take up all of the space in the world.  We want to celebrate you, honor you, and to make sure you’re seen!!!

Everyone needs help along the way.  We’re lucky enough that we have each other through our ups-and-downs and throughout our spiritual expansion.  Now, we want to offer that same sort of support to you!

Please join us on Dec 7th at 7:30 pm for our FREE virtual Divine Diva Mini Experience!!! 

In this immersive experience, you will start to see the path towards a fully embodied life. This workshop is designed to ignite your inner feminine for unapologetic expansion in your business, relationships, mindset, emotions.  

Click Here for more information and to reserve your FREE seat!

P.S. There will be a fabulous free gift at the end of the zoom call that you WON’T want to miss!!

Magic happens when women lift each other up, act as mirrors to the light and shadow, and hold each other accountable for living intentionally, powerfully, exceptionally!

We look forward to seeing you soon!

With love and light,

Amy and Kristi


Upcoming Events

Divine Diva Mini Experiences


Online via Zoom- video only


Are you looking to clear out the emotional clutter, shatter limiting beliefs, and tap into infinite creation?

In this fabulous online Divine Diva Mini Experience, you’ll indulge in a unique and empowering journey to unleash your inner goddess. Read More

***Registration for this Event is now Closed***

April 19, 20, 21 2024

Friday evening beginning at 6:30pm, all day Saturday, and all day Sunday

Mansfield, MA

Divine Diva Empowerment Weekend Intensive

A Workshop for Personal and Professional Transformation

Presented by Amy Antonellis and Kristi Johnston

Work with Transformational Mystics Kristi Johnston and Amy Antonellis to shatter limiting paradigms that keep you stuck so you can magnify your innate wisdom and connection to Source Energy for infinite transformation. Read More

Divine Diva Mini Experience

Are you a woman entrepreneur who’s holding yourself back due to negative self-talk and limiting beliefs?

Are you looking to deepen your spiritual connection for greater personal and professional success?

Get ready to unleash your inner diva and experience a fabulous online event like no other. The Divine Diva Mini Experience is all about celebrating your inner goddess and embracing your divine wisdom. If you’re a self-proclaimed diva who is ready to level up your spiritual expansion and more fully embody your femininity, this is the perfect opportunity to tap more deeply into the infinite power of creation. Ignite your inner feminine for unapologetic expansion in your business, relationships, mindset, emotions, and life.

During this journey you will:

  • Engage with channeled art to connect to your subconscious
  • Deep Chakra clearing and Aligning
  • Interactive opportunities to enhance your diva skills
  • Hot Seat coaching to deepen your discoveries
  • Opportunities to offer and receive support for your experiences
  • Experience what the Divine Diva Empowerment Transformation Weekend has in store for you

Who Should Attend:

All entrepreneurial divas who want to unleash their inner fabulousness, find a clearer connection with themselves, exponentially expand their creativity, and discover a new depth of peace and groundedness. Get ready for some explosivetiny fuschia explosion life changes when you join the Divine Diva Mini Experience.

** All those who join us for the FREE event will receive a very special free gift that will magnify your divine diva life!!!

March 28, 2024, Thursday from 7:30-9:30 pm EDT Register HERE: March Divine Diva Mini Experience

April 5, 2024, Friday from 1:30pm-3:30pm EDT Register HERE: April Divine Diva Mini Experience

* These events will NOT be recorded because we believe in the power of the live gathering!

Divine Diva Empowerment Workshop for Transformation

Calling All Spiritual Women Entrepreneurs Ready for Transformation!

You’re invited to the Divine Diva Empowerment

Weekend Intensive with Amy Antonellis and Kristi Johnston

Work with Transformational Mystics Kristi Johnston and Amy Antonellis to shatter limiting paradigms that keep you stuck so you can magnify your innate wisdom and connection to Source Energy for infinite transformation. This is spiritual self-discovery on the quantum level with an astronomic impact on every area of your life!

Sisterhood * Connection * Transformation

During this weekend-long transformational intensive, your internal perspective will shift so radically that you’ll uplevel every aspect of your life including your self-identity, your business, your relationships, and your spirituality. 

In the Divine Diva Empowerment Weekend Intensive you’ll learn: 

  • How to uplevel your life, soul, business, and abundance mindset
  • How to put yourself and your own innate power in the driver’s seat for your own transformation and self-healing
  • How to deeply connect with Source Energy easily and effortlessly throughout your day for ultimate support and guidance
  • How to consistently translate your thoughts and feelings into reality
  • How to release anything that isn’t working for ultimate transformation
  • How to overcome self-doubt and worries about inadequacy
  • How to convince your body and your mind that you’re ready to take that next leap!!!! 

Self-Discovery and Evolution Can Be Intense!

But you don’t have to do it on your own! It can be emotionally overwhelming and difficult to sift through the many, complicated layers of your numerous subconscious beliefs. We get it! If it weren’t for having each other and our supportive sisterhood to hold space and talk it through, it’s safe to say we wouldn’t be where we are right now!!

It isn’t enough that we have attained this level of peace, confidence, and consistent connection to ourselves and Source energy; we are being called to be your guides while YOU traverse this next level of soul metamorphosis and spiritual self-discovery as well.

How We Support You

During this sacred weekend we will create a powerful and sacred container, provide the tools, and light the way for you to find your own personal reawakening of divine wisdom and connection. We will hold the space and offer guidance while you uncover and release EVERYTHING that no longer serves you to make space for you to REWRITE your story. Then we will support you to assure that your new story will align with your current dreams and goals so that your subconscious can work for you 24/7/365!!

You subconscious is great at working against you with self-sabotage, distraction, or insistent negative self-talk telling you your dreams are unrealistic or impossible, just imagine using it to your advantage instead! Your dreams are valid and you CAN have them all come true. Imagine having your subconscious work for you instead of against you 24/7/365!!

This weekend you have the potential to have the most incredible transformational experience you have ever had!

How You Can Support Yourself

  • If possible, plan to give yourself the weekend “off” from your usual responsibilities and routines.
  • Pre-plan food before the weekend so you don’t have to think about it while you are processing.
  • Consider staying in Mansfield.There are several places to stay in and around Mansfield including hotels, motels, extended stay spots, and even an Airbnb that can accommodate up to 6 guests if you’re coming with your besties!! (just ask and we’ll give you the contact info!!)
  • If you’re staying at home, let everyone know that you will be treating the weekend like a retreat where you will keep interaction to a minimum and pamper yourself in order to get the most out of it.

NEXT Weekend TBD

This weekend of powerful growth will include a variety of experiential paradigm-shattering opportunities such as:  

  • Immersive Art Experiences;
  • Energy Transmissions;
  • Meditation;
  • Journaling; 
  • Group Debriefing;
  • Small Group Work; and
  • Buddy Accountability

This Women-Only Weekend is designed JUST For You IF:

  • You struggle to connect to Source consistently
  • You are frustrated with only being in the flow some of the time
  • You know what you have to do to have your business explode but you can’t seem to do it
  • You are ready to release imposter syndrome and worry about judgement by others
  • You yearn for sisterhood with women who really get you
  • You want to ditch insecurity once and for all
  • You know you need support to accomplish the big dreams you have, but a business coach isn’t checking all the boxes
  • You are ready to feel what it’s like to be fully embodied and connected to your higher self ALL the time
  • You know that taking care of yourself on this scale will benefit EVERYONE and EVERYTHING in your life
  • You are ready to take your spiritual self-discovery to the next level for incredible transformation

If that’s you, it’s time to take the leap into transformation and become a Divine Diva!!!

Commit to your own transformation and join us for the Divine Diva Empowerment Transformational Weekend Intensive to step fully into what’s next for you!

P.S. We have a TON of extra bonuses as a thank you for saying YES to your own transformation!

  • BONUS 1: Special Soul Remembrance Intensive and Accompanying Meditation plus a journal prompt workbook (Value:$250)
  • BONUS 2: How to Create Sacred Space Guide (Value: $97 )
  • BONUS 3: Our Divine Diva Empowerment Workbook: this includes a year’s worth of journal prompts, goal setting exercises, and deep questions to keep your growth on track. (Value: $65)
  • BONUS 4: Divine Diva Meditative Doodling Workbook with Kristi’s hand-drawn doodles for you to color including some mandala templates. (Value: $35)
  • BONUS 5: Interactive Guide to Your Chakras packed with descriptions, as well as ways to clear, balance and expand your chakras. (Value: $30)
  • BONUS 6: An Entire Year of Monthly Written Channeled Messages (Value: $295 )
  • BONUS 7: A 6-month subscription to our Monthly Divine Healing Transmission calls!!! (Value: $250 )
  • BONUS 8: A special surprise gift at the end of our time together from our heart to yours, to fuel the flames of your transformation. (Value: priceless)

VALUE: Over $3500!!!


You get ALL this for only $2497 !!!

P.S.S. Space is VERY limited to 6 women and will sell out!!!!! Secure your seat today!!!

Kristi Johnston

Hello Powerful Ladies!

Amy and Kristi here,

ready to help you EXPLODE tiny fuschia explosionwhat isn’t working, and replace it with YOUR ideal blueprint for an amazing life!!

Why Work With Us?

We are on a mission to show you that life does not have to be hard and that you are ALWAYS supported by Source Energy! Our goal is to assist you in getting out of your own way and allowing the miracles to unfold. To do that, we help you light the path to your own expansion while feeling the guiding love and support of Spirit along the way.

   We’ve been assisting individuals magnify their connection to divine love and light for nearly a decade!  As Reiki Master Teachers and the original receivers of the powerful healing modality Light Connection, we are able to connect easily to Source and are uniquely situated to show others how to do the same! In addition, we have hosted numerous classes and workshops on topics such as meditation, inner child work, chakra balancing, mediumship, table tipping, empath empowerment, akashic records, money manifestation, wealth masterminds, spiritual self-discovery, and more!  

Lastly, we have nearly 50 years of combined business experience!!! Amy even created a multiple six-figure business before age 30! We believe that entrepreneurs are the ultimate creators and as such can have a powerful and meaningful impact on the world and everybody around them.  By assisting spiritual entrepreneurs we know that we can make tsunami-sized waves of change and that’s what we’re setting out to do. 

We Want To Support Your Success

We Value the Power of Community

Humans are hard-wired to be part of community. As a result, we thrive when we’re connected to others, especially those who are on the same path. In support of community, and because of our love for travel and immersive experiences, we’ve led multiple sold-out retreats in Mexico and Newport, RI, where participants experienced amazing spiritual self-discovery. During any gathering, our goal is to assist participants in reaching the undiscovered depths of their Source connection and inner knowing.  Healing and empowerment are always the name of the game!  

We Love Tools for Continued Growth

Shared language is part of creating connection, and to that end we authored the book: “The Map: A Spiritual Guide to Your Soul’s Journey.” This book was even the basis of a theology course at Nichols College! We consider this an excellent “getting started guide” and are knee-deep in writing what you’d call the master’s course. More to come on that later…….. 😉 We’ve also created numerous tools for continued personal expansion that we’ll be sharing with you as unique bonuses!

Join us on this transformational Divine Diva Journey!!!!    

So… are you ready to light *ish on fire, ignite the rocket of your expansion and experience the greatest soul-level transformation you’ve ever experienced???

Student Love & Success Stories

“I had the most wonderful experience working with the Divine Diva System. The cards helped me go into a really deep state of awareness and cleansing in the areas of my body and emotions that had previously contained stagnant energy for a long time. Then I was able to move some of the energy out and dissipate the rest of it. Finally, at the end of this session I was able to find that place of deep stillness of being and settle in. For the first time I was able to fully acknowledge the power that I possess, and see that there is no right or wrong in anything.

I was also able to connect with my inner child in a way that I never had before. We bonded and were able to re-connect on a whole new level. I’m happy to say that she now feels comfortable enough to come out and play with me!

Having Kristi and Amy hold space for me during these sessions was absolutely invaluable. They intuitively knew what I needed to complement this work, and how to be fully present and hold the space for me to be able to go as deep as I did.

They are a gifted, compassionate, and powerful pair. It was a profound and beautiful experience!” -Karen L. Owner, Align by Design

“This was the invitation (the Divine Diva System) to remember who I am and my own power. I could feel Amy and Kristi holding the expansive container where I could breathe and be restored to my blueprint. The spaciousness was really beautiful. Thank you.” -Stephanie Brown, Embodied Wellness and Somatic Embodiment Coach

“These (Divine Diva) images bring me to the present moment. There is an effortless stillness and a groundedness inherent in working with them. I came to recognize that power and lightness, lightheartedness, can coexist. Additionally, I realized that I can and do embody that very thing even if I’m not ‘out there changing the world’ on a grand scale, I’m still living my purpose right now, in this moment. I’m able to carry a lot from a place of strength and choice, not sacrifice.” -Laura Denman, MS, RD, HHC

“Feeling connected more to my inner self. Strength, power, and wisdom! Truly thankful and blessed.” -Becky Kennedy

“Very calming energy with the sharing of information in an environment of love & caring, with no judgement only joy. Very enjoyable & uplifting experience.” – Dot Cambell

“I walked in (to the session) a non-believer but walking out I’m in awe. I’m glad I came and had the experience. I will recommend it.” -Sherry K

“Light Connection (LC) energy brings you into a deeper space within your soul where this eternal part of yourself comes alongside of the human self and gives you access to increased momentum, intuition and excitement about the journey you are on. Without a doubt, LC is like nothing you have ever done before as it is not about past, it is not about healing, it is not about the broken part of your humanness. Rather, it is about being fully present, today. LC is about living in your present, perfected wholeness just beyond the reach of your human understanding. LC gives you access to operate on all of your cylinders. Cylinders that you do not even realize existed within yourself.” – Leigh Ann Larson, MSW, CEO (Light Connection is an integral component of the Divine Diva Discovery Workshop)

“My experience was awesome! I really enjoyed the energy. This was new to me and I would absolutely do it again.”

“I have had three Light Connection sessions over a year and a half (6 months apart) and they have all been amazing experiences. They build on each other expanding your energy and connection to your higher self. The energy provides exactly what you need in that time of your journey. I am a registered nurse who left the corporate world to start my own holistic wellness business. After my session I became energized, motivated and was able to gain a clearer sense of what I wanted to do. I felt a stronger connection to my higher self; I was able to hear spirit more clearly and trust the guidance which gave me more confidence. As a result I was able to put an action plan in place that felt true to my path. The third session was the most powerful as I felt an enormous sense of peace.” -Jill M.

“I loved every bit of this amazing experience that Amy brings. It’s very powerful and a must-do!” -Suzanne S.

“I consider Kristi a natural healer! The time with Kristi is soothing, relaxing, and most of all healing. This is an essential part of my life now.” – Mary Shannon

“This is the place to be if you walk a spiritual path. If you want to grow and learn beyond your wildest dreams, you need to be here!” -Jamie Breden

Divine Feminine Empowerment Journey

Divine Feminine Empowerment Journey

Embody your Divine Feminine with Kristi Johnston

As women we are being called to step powerfully into being co-creators of a more connected, loving, and compassionate world.

Through the Divine Feminine Empowerment Journey You Will:

  • Gain clarity of purpose
  • Expand self-awareness
  • Level up self-confidence
  • Heal your past
  • Ignite your creativity
  • Empower your future

So you can:

  • Always see the next steps towards your goals
  • Set and maintain clear boundaries with ease
  • Meet the needs of your inner child, body, and soul consistently
  • Improve your relationships
  • Express yourself freely
  • Manifest the life of your dreams

As women we are perfectly designed to facilitate relationships, foster understanding, and bring new ideas into this world- but first we need to OWN our Divine Feminine Power. This transformational program will help you fully embody your feminine aspect.

In this journey you will connect more deeply to your body, your higher self, and your inner child through:

  • Channeled imagery
  • Group and personalized coaching
  • Meditation
  • Journaling
  • Supportive sisterhood

Within this sacred container, you will find safe space to take a deep dive into yourself and discover your own knowing.

Using unique Channeled images that unlock access to your subconscious, we will connect with the wisdom of your body, higher self, and inner child. Personalized coaching will support you on how to apply that to your present life, and to shift perspective and offer healing regarding your past to empower your future. The dynamic of the group will uplift and expand your journey into self.

Some of the images from the program:

The channeled imagery acts as an energetic key to unlock access to your subconscious so you may receive the inner wisdom, healing, and personal power you already own.

Over the course of 5 sessions you will engage with the images in the order that they were channeled. We will utilize the power of guided meditation, journaling, coaching, and supportive sisterhood to magnify your intuition in everyday life. This journey will provide profound insight and meaningful shifts in your understanding of self and the world as you know it.

What’s Included:

  • 5  recorded group zoom calls with Kristi Johnston – 90 minutes each
  • Coaching and personalized action steps during each call specific to what your body/inner child/higher self is craving
  • Exercises that will move you into more wholeness, power, connectedness, and peace
  • Downloadable recordings of each session
  • Private chat group for sisterhood support and community connection continues the introspection in between calls
  • Special discount on private 1:1 coaching at any time during the 15 session time span

This group will only have 6 participants to keep it intimate and allow plenty of time for individual coaching as well as build meaningful relationships within the sisterhood.


$733 one-time payment in full


4 payments of $185

Payment link will be sent after application call is completed.

Let’s have a conversation to see if this is a good fit for you. Applicants will be carefully selected to ensure a positive and safe container for this deep personal exploration.

Intrigued but nervous because it’s unfamiliar?

That’s ok, I totally get it! This is a BRAND NEW way to easily connect to your subconscious. Even if you meditate often, you will gain deeper insight with this method. Try it out for yourself and see!

Book a mini session for $33 to try it HERE. If you enroll in the course, the $33 will be applied to the total fee!

I like how this sounds, but I don’t want to be in a group. Check out the 1:1 Journey

Dates and Times: TBD once a group of 4-6 women is formed.

Let’s have a conversation to see if this is a good fit for you. Applicants will be carefully selected to ensure a positive and safe container for this deep personal exploration.


“The Divine Feminine Empowerment Program reminded me that I am always growing and changing, that we are all on this journey of life and experiencing things on different levels, but at the heart of it all it comes back to making time play, tapping into that creativity, and finding peace within. I gained more inner peace and better clarity of my purpose by the end of the workshop. I highly recommend this workshop to anyone who feels they need a reminder, or a confidence boost while on their spiritual journey — this workshop will definitely have you feeling empowered and realigned.”  

Jamie Doyle

“The program offered by Kristi was very enlightening and helpful to me as I shift careers and look towards a future that has many uncertainties. This was my first-time gaining insight from art, meditation and journaling; the process was unique and very effective. I wasn’t sure what to expect at first, but the clarity that came to me as a result of the session and the guidance Kristi provided me in the practical application of my insights was enormously helpful in grounding me and shifting my perspective. Kristi has great energy and profound intuition that gives her the ability to provide incredible wisdom in a gentle and compassionate manner.”

Dominique Ross

“This program was amazing!!!! It truly blew my mind. The messages channeled through were exactly what I needed at the moment and I also really enjoyed the art involved. Truly beautiful. Such a unique way of connecting with my inner child, body and higher self.  I also found when others were sharing— something from each person resonated with me as well. It felt very divine that we were all put together to experience the Divine Empowerment Program together!   Afterwards I was filled with ah ha moments and peace and calm ❤️

Caitlyn Nick


What if I miss a call?

 All calls will be recorded and the replays will be available for download the day after each call if you miss it.

What if there’s a holiday?

We will not have a call on holidays unless the majority of the group decides to have one. If we have decided to have a call and you can’t make it, you can watch the replay and connect online!

I like how this sounds, but I don’t want to be in a group. Check out the 1:1 Journey

Can I get a refund?

There are no refunds for this program. I believe in your power to create results when you are committed to giving 100% to the journey and the work.

Let’s have a conversation about what is coming up for you around investing in yourself and committing to do the work even if it gets uncomfortable.

If you’re excited AND your butt is clenched, that’s how you know it’s time to take yourself on!!

Guided Visual Meditation for Peace and Tranquility

This combination of a channeled watercolor painting and channeled meditation, both by Kristi Johnston will quickly soothe your soul and bring you to a place of peace and tranquility. Meditation is approximately 10 min. long.

Use this whenever you feel scattered, stressed, or anxious.

Guided Visual Meditation for Peace and Tranquility


Why Is This Still Coming Up?

“I can’t believe I’m doing this again! After all the work I’ve done around abundance, why are my worries about lack still coming up?!”

Have you had this or a similar thought about something you’ve worked really hard on over your lifetime and felt blindsided by it coming up again? I sure have! In fact, that quote was a conversation I had with myself recently.

It can be about lack, worthiness, being good enough, getting it wrong, or any number of things. Unfortunately, the things we work on don’t magically resolve permanently, but instead gradually diminish in their power over time. Diminishing the power of an old story requires that we replace those old stories with meaningful alternatives that support the narrative we WANT for our life. That takes focused and persistent effort. 

I have spent many years on personal development and part of that has focused on discovering how I came up with the story that there wasn’t enough (of anything) in my life. Having trained myself to SEE abundance everywhere, I can use that to reassure myself that it’s there for me as well as others. I’m now at a point where MOST of the time I feel that my life is abundant. I recognize that’s a huge win! Still, every once in a while I hit a snag, and I revert to the old story.

While at times it can be frustrating, I’ve learned not to beat myself up when I revert to old patterns because I know how the story of ‘not enough’ shows up for me: feeling like normal things are too risky, like I’m not doing enough, like there isn’t enough time, like things I want/need are too expensive. Now, I can catch those feelings before they take over and deal with them quickly. Usually all I need to do is provide reassurance to my inner child that I can manage things, and I’m once again enjoying the freedom of feeling abundant. 

Worries are normal! They only become problematic when they take over and derail your efforts towards your dreams and goals.

All of the negative little voices in our heads have one thing in common, they use fear to undercut our motivation to go after our dreams. Those little voices love to whisper that everything would be safer if we never stepped outside of our comfort zone. They tell us we can’t or shouldn’t follow our dreams and provide a myriad of reasons why not.

One glaring fault in that subconscious ‘logic’ is that everything we want that we don’t already have involves doing something we’ve never done to get there. The unknown is risky and that negative little voice hates risk of any kind. Those subconscious thoughts present the anti-motivational speech in whatever ways most concern you.

No matter what your inner fears are, your subconscious is a master at using those to try to keep you playing small and comfortable.  Fear keeps you in your predictable, known little world where it’s relatively ‘safe’.  We know however, that those fears aren’t true! Your subconscious lies, and you deserve to go after what you want in a way that brings you joy!

As good as our subconscious is at derailing us, the amazing news is that you can also train it to work with you towards your goals instead of against you. Life-changing!!

That can be accomplished in many ways and they all take varying amounts of time. Amy and I are impatient, so when we came across a way to fast-track that process, we were pretty excited. We used this process on ourselves and realized that by essentially blowing up the old beliefs and rebuilding them from the ground up, it saves a ton of time and effort.  This process tackles most of the main roadblocks to personal peace and professional success ALL AT ONCE! The changes we saw in our lives were nearly immediate and definitely impactful.

It is so powerful, we want to share it with anyone who is ready to uncover their old stories and make big changes in a short time. If you’re ready to blast away your limiting beliefs and see incredible shifts in how you show up in the world and feel about yourself, then we want that for you too!

This process isn’t for the faint-of-heart and yes, it can be really intense. That might be unsettling for some people. Know that you are in charge of how deep into your own subconscious you go, what you discover, and exactly what you decide to do with that information. We provide and hold the space, offer the tools for unlocking your subconscious, and give you the guidance to explore and shift what’s holding you back; but you are actually in control of every step of that journey.

Women are changing the world, and women entrepreneurs are at the leading edge of that change. You need excellent support to be the instrument of change you want to be for all of the people you come in contact with daily!

So, want a taste of what this process looks like?! We ma de a FREE 2 hour zoom offering so that you can experience how it works and feel the possibility of change.  Here’s a free opportunity for you to connect deeply with your subconscious, clear out some clutter, and create space for new possibilities.  

Don’t miss the FREE Divine Diva Mini Experience on Feb. 2, 204 from 7:30-9:30 pm EST. Sign up here!!!!.

P.S. Transformation tends to be easier when the people we love join us on the journey. Don’t forget to invite a friend so you can have the experience together. I promise you won’t regret it!!!

P.P.S. If you already know you’re ready to jump in with both feet, we created the Divine Diva Discovery Program as a completely immersive, transformational experience for a small group of change-making women.  We provide the sacred and safe container, you find your wings and soar.  You can sign-up here.

End of the Year Reflections

We’re big fans of reflection at the end of the year. It’s important to take the time to reflect on where you are, where you were, and where you’d like to go as you head into the New Year. As the world continues to rotate, we head deep into winter and a time of contemplation. As we change over the calendar, the year’s end is a natural time to take note of endings and beginnings. This is also the time when many people set their goals for next year, and while that can be productive, it can also be stressful. Here are five things to keep in mind to have the best year-end wrap up:

  1. Do not take out the beat-up stick: This is a time for you to look at your journey with kindness and grace. Punishment and self-loathing are never good motivators. Don’t use them on yourself!
  2. Ignore the media: There are so many gimmicks during this time of year that claim to have quick-fix, silver bullet answers. Don’t fall for it. There’s no such thing as a silver bullet and the best evolution comes from you finding your own answers from within!
  3.  Dare greatly: Don’t sell yourself and your vision short this year. Imagine you have your own personal GPS and plug in a destination. CHOOSE. You’ll never move forward in any direction if you don’t know where you’re going. Important note: if you head out on your route and decide it’s not right for you, choose again! Course correcting is important and is always encouraged.
  4. Don’t rely on magical thinking: Manifestation does not = sitting in a room thinking happy thoughts and then doing nothing to move yourself towards your vision. Manifestation = intention + attention + action! The action part is important. Don’t let anybody else tell you otherwise. This is the true formula for success.
  5. Keep up your energy: Be mindful of your energy levels. Do what makes you feel good. It’s easy to make choices that are not in alignment with your vision when you’re depleted and don’t take care of yourself. Find what it is that keeps your vibration high and keep doing it. It’s really hard to put your intention, attention, and action towards something consistently if you’re not taking care of yourself.

We hope this quick list helps anchor you to a very happy, healthy, and prosperous new year.

With love and light,

Amy and Kristi

Where Are You Holding Back?

The time is now, restraint is in the rear-view mirror!

To say that everything is transforming feels like an understatement. The word transformation doesn’t quite match the magnitude of what we’re shattering and rebuilding. Metamorphosis is better….although, not quite. In addition to all the shake-ups at the Divine Energy Collaborative, we’re writing another book! This is the first we’ve told anybody about it and we’re not even close to finished. We’ve discovered with this book that we’re not allowed to continue writing until we really dig deep and work through the concepts Spirit is presenting. It’s almost like a spiritual guidebook and a memoire, everything you will eventually read, we’ve tackled head-on. It doesn’t get put to paper unless we’ve worked through the concepts ourselves!

In the meantime, we were instructed to share this this quote with you:

“You belong to this earth as much as you belong to the energy of the universe. You don’t have to prove anything to anyone to gain admittance.” 

This quote struck us like a lightning bolt. We see people repeatedly stop themselves short because they feel like they don’t belong, that they don’t have what it takes, that they’re not possibly smart enough, important enough, good enough, simply enough, to go after exactly what it is they desire in their lives. They sell themselves short because in their minds they couldn’t possibly be the person capable of delivering. These stories run deep, especially for women, and many times they don’t even allow themselves to feel the true extent of their desires because they have no faith in the possibility. So, we shut ourselves off, we shut ourselves down, and we hide. The result? We perpetually remain small.

What would it look like if you truly felt the unconditional love of source energy, if you truly felt like you belonged? What would you say? What would you do? Where would your dreams lead you? We know you have dreams, but what if your dreams could be magnified to reflect your heart’s truest desire? A true symphony of your soul projected from your consciousness out into the world? Where would you be then?

Our goal is for every woman to feel the unconditional love of source energy, to help people magnify their innate connection, to show people that they do belong, and that they are the ultimate source of creation. Everything we do moving forward is going to be in that vein and we’re really excited about the journey! 

Our first event in 2024 is our Divine Diva Discovery Workshop. This weekend-intensive is specifically designed for women who are seeking to step into their brilliance and own their power and role in the universe. During our time together, we create a sacred container that magnifies your connection to self and source, deepens your sense of openness and belonging, and removes internal blocks to allow the infinite to unfold. We’re looking to shake things up and awaken everyone along the way!!! 

This weekend is limited to 10 people!!! If you’re ready to step into the Divine and magnify your true potential click the link below to save your seat!!!!


This event WILL SELL OUT!!! Early bird pricing is available now until Jan. 1st! Use the code EARLYBIRD to save $164!!!

For more information on this incredible opportunity, check it out here!

Stop Taking Poison Expecting Other People to Suffer

For me, one of the most challenging parts of being in relationship with others is that you have to let them take their journey for themselves. Regardless of what I may think, I have no control over how they react, what they say, how they process, or how they move forward, NONE.  My thoughts on someone else’s life are completely irrelevant.  This has come up for me recently in the context of forgiveness.  Specifically, when conflict arises how does one truly forgive and move forward?

Nobody is immune from conflict with others.  Conflicts come in many forms and in many different types of relationships.  Whether it’s a child, parent, teacher, boss, lover, etc. you’re going to deal with conflict at some point in your life.  What makes conflict particularly challenging is that you have zero control over another’s engagement and whether you will receive an apology.  The best part? You get to decide whether you require an apology and what that actually means to you.  Aren’t relationships fun?! YAY! Haha.

Throughout the years, in many of my relationships, I’ve struggled with whether an apology is required in order for me to find peace and forgive them.  I’ve played this game both ways, I’ve had a direct conversation with the individual and I’ve also played along with the other party as though nothing’s happened.  My preference is being direct and that has always led to the best outcome for me.  I feel out-of-sorts when I can’t confront things head on.  But what happens if the other party doesn’t want to participate? What if you reach out and get crickets? What then? Does it matter? Do you simply bury your head in the sand and decide to stay angry or bury your feelings and play along as if nothing happened?

Suprisingly, the other party’s participation is completely irrelevant to which path you choose!  If you’re feeling wronged, you must first identify what you’re truly feeling and why you are feeling that way.  From there, you have a choice. Are you going to let your aggrieved feelings take away your peace or are you going to reach for a better feeling emotion?  Although a common knee-jerk reaction may be to request an apology and wait for one, you must decide what you’re going to do if one is never coming.  Spoiler alert, staying angry is not the answer!

It may feel counterintuitive, but when you choose anger over forgiveness, YOU are the only person that truly suffers.  Staying in anger allows others to occupy your mind space and it results in you giving away your power.  Keep beating the drum of anger, you’re going to get more anger! There’s a huge price that you pay for that.  It’s akin to taking poison and expecting the other person to suffer.    

So how do you find peace in conflict? You must clear the emotional space that has been taken up within you.  You must face your emotions on your own despite the other party’s involvement.  After you ask yourself what you are feeling and why you are feeling that way, attempt to describe the situation in a neutral manner. Can you write about it devoid of emotion? Can you tell somebody without inflammatory language? No? Okay, you’ve got more work to do.  Kick and scream a little more and then try again.  You must get yourself to the point where you can describe the event as neutral.  From there, the real healing can begin.

I have a step-by-step process that I’ve used to clear some major conflicts in my life.  It starts with a willingness within me to feel less angry and a desire to regain my peace.  While it’s not possible to outline the entire process here, above is an excellent starting point!  If any of this resonates with you, I also have an invitation for you to get you further along in your healing journey.

On December 7th, from 7:30-8:30 pm Kristi and I are offering a FREE virtual Divine Diva Mini-Experience.  This channeled immersive art experience can facilitate you getting to the place where you’re willing to release any stuck emotions buried within.  From there, you choose how to move forward, and you can take your next steps with greater clarity and an anchoring to the Divine.  Please join us in opening your heart, filling you with light, and safely and gently removing your roadblocks.  If you’re ready to start bringing your life to the next level head-on, this event is for you!  

This event will not be recorded.  Please click here to RSVP.  We hope to see you there!   

With love and light,


Take Up Space

Today, we’re talking about taking up space. What does taking up space actually mean? Why is it important? How can you take up space?

For us, taking up space means to be fully embodied.  It means that you are present, you are grounded, you are showing up as your full and true authentic self; bold, beautiful, courageous, and full of life-force energy.  When you take up space you are saying that you are worthy: worthy of being; worthy of being seen; and worthy of your thoughts, feelings, wishes, and needs.  It is a way of honoring yourself to take up space and show up in your full light.  When you are fully embodied you are harnessing your divine power and honoring your oneness with the universe.


For many, taking up space is difficult.  It can feel incredibly vulnerable.  Showing up every day in your strength and wholeness is not an exercise many are familiar with.  As women especially, we are taught from an early age to dim our light. Many are preconditioned to not be an inconvenience, to not tell those around us what we need, to minimize our wants and desires.  For centuries, we’ve been expected to hide, play small, and let the men take the lead.  This programming has caused the idea of taking up space so uncomfortable.  We have literally been conditioned to hide our thoughts and desires!


Power pose taking up space


So, what happens when we hide?  When we hide, when we diminish our needs, dim our light, and create death and turmoil inside of us. We plague ourselves with doubt, worry, anxiety, and dis-ease.  When we hide our true nature and our passions, we remain in conflict with ourself and our divinity and we start to slowly kill ourselves from the inside out.  When we hide, we remain within and we wither away.    Each day that you do not express your wishes, needs, and desires, you are affirming that you are unworthy. You are subconsciously telling yourself that you are less than, and that you are not deserving.  But why? Why would we do this to ourselves?

In addition to societal conditioning, there are many driving forces that keep us small.  Fear of failure, feelings of inadequacy, imposter syndrome, fear of judgment, and even fear of success. The infinite inner-stories and tapes that we play repeatedly to ourselves keep us from living a fully embodied life.  The fear of rejection and the worry of the “what-ifs” cause us to withhold our truth and can even stop people from having truly authentic relationships. You’ve likely been withholding in so many areas of your life, you’re not even aware that you’re doing it!    

So, how do we fix it?  Step one, start telling people how you’re feeling and what you need! Seriously. Every day.  You have needs and emotions, tell someone! By sharing your thoughts and your needs you are showing up for yourself. The more you show up for yourself the more you train your subconscious that you are worthy of a truly spectacular life. It’s that easy!!!

Start small! “I need a drink of water.” “Can you please pick up the groceries?” “I’m feeling sad today, what would really help me is my book and my blanket.”  It doesn’t matter what you need, YOU JUST NEED YOU TO TELL SOMEONE!!!! And then, you’re going to stand in receiving! More on receiving another day.  😉

Living a fully embodied life = showing up for yourself by telling others your thoughts, needs, and emotions.

Yes, it seems crazy, but start to pay attention to yourself as you go throughout your day. How many times a day do you cut yourself short?  How often do you diminish your desires? How often are you keeping your thoughts and emotions within?

Our goal is to get you back in touch with your infinite self and allow you to take up all of the space in the world.  We want to celebrate you, honor you, and to make sure you’re seen!!!

Everyone needs help along the way.  We’re lucky enough that we have each other through our ups-and-downs and throughout our spiritual expansion.  Now, we want to offer that same sort of support to you!

Please join us on Dec 7th at 7:30 pm for our FREE virtual Divine Diva Mini Experience!!! 

In this immersive experience, you will start to see the path towards a fully embodied life. This workshop is designed to ignite your inner feminine for unapologetic expansion in your business, relationships, mindset, emotions.  

Click Here for more information and to reserve your FREE seat!

P.S. There will be a fabulous free gift at the end of the zoom call that you WON’T want to miss!!

Magic happens when women lift each other up, act as mirrors to the light and shadow, and hold each other accountable for living intentionally, powerfully, exceptionally!

We look forward to seeing you soon!

With love and light,

Amy and Kristi


Upcoming Events

Divine Diva Mini Experiences


Online via Zoom- video only


Are you looking to clear out the emotional clutter, shatter limiting beliefs, and tap into infinite creation?

In this fabulous online Divine Diva Mini Experience, you’ll indulge in a unique and empowering journey to unleash your inner goddess. Read More

***Registration for this Event is now Closed***

April 19, 20, 21 2024

Friday evening beginning at 6:30pm, all day Saturday, and all day Sunday

Mansfield, MA

Divine Diva Empowerment Weekend Intensive

A Workshop for Personal and Professional Transformation

Presented by Amy Antonellis and Kristi Johnston

Work with Transformational Mystics Kristi Johnston and Amy Antonellis to shatter limiting paradigms that keep you stuck so you can magnify your innate wisdom and connection to Source Energy for infinite transformation. Read More

Divine Diva Mini Experience

Are you a woman entrepreneur who’s holding yourself back due to negative self-talk and limiting beliefs?

Are you looking to deepen your spiritual connection for greater personal and professional success?

Get ready to unleash your inner diva and experience a fabulous online event like no other. The Divine Diva Mini Experience is all about celebrating your inner goddess and embracing your divine wisdom. If you’re a self-proclaimed diva who is ready to level up your spiritual expansion and more fully embody your femininity, this is the perfect opportunity to tap more deeply into the infinite power of creation. Ignite your inner feminine for unapologetic expansion in your business, relationships, mindset, emotions, and life.

During this journey you will:

  • Engage with channeled art to connect to your subconscious
  • Deep Chakra clearing and Aligning
  • Interactive opportunities to enhance your diva skills
  • Hot Seat coaching to deepen your discoveries
  • Opportunities to offer and receive support for your experiences
  • Experience what the Divine Diva Empowerment Transformation Weekend has in store for you

Who Should Attend:

All entrepreneurial divas who want to unleash their inner fabulousness, find a clearer connection with themselves, exponentially expand their creativity, and discover a new depth of peace and groundedness. Get ready for some explosivetiny fuschia explosion life changes when you join the Divine Diva Mini Experience.

** All those who join us for the FREE event will receive a very special free gift that will magnify your divine diva life!!!

March 28, 2024, Thursday from 7:30-9:30 pm EDT Register HERE: March Divine Diva Mini Experience

April 5, 2024, Friday from 1:30pm-3:30pm EDT Register HERE: April Divine Diva Mini Experience

* These events will NOT be recorded because we believe in the power of the live gathering!

Divine Diva Empowerment Workshop for Transformation

Calling All Spiritual Women Entrepreneurs Ready for Transformation!

You’re invited to the Divine Diva Empowerment

Weekend Intensive with Amy Antonellis and Kristi Johnston

Work with Transformational Mystics Kristi Johnston and Amy Antonellis to shatter limiting paradigms that keep you stuck so you can magnify your innate wisdom and connection to Source Energy for infinite transformation. This is spiritual self-discovery on the quantum level with an astronomic impact on every area of your life!

Sisterhood * Connection * Transformation

During this weekend-long transformational intensive, your internal perspective will shift so radically that you’ll uplevel every aspect of your life including your self-identity, your business, your relationships, and your spirituality. 

In the Divine Diva Empowerment Weekend Intensive you’ll learn: 

  • How to uplevel your life, soul, business, and abundance mindset
  • How to put yourself and your own innate power in the driver’s seat for your own transformation and self-healing
  • How to deeply connect with Source Energy easily and effortlessly throughout your day for ultimate support and guidance
  • How to consistently translate your thoughts and feelings into reality
  • How to release anything that isn’t working for ultimate transformation
  • How to overcome self-doubt and worries about inadequacy
  • How to convince your body and your mind that you’re ready to take that next leap!!!! 

Self-Discovery and Evolution Can Be Intense!

But you don’t have to do it on your own! It can be emotionally overwhelming and difficult to sift through the many, complicated layers of your numerous subconscious beliefs. We get it! If it weren’t for having each other and our supportive sisterhood to hold space and talk it through, it’s safe to say we wouldn’t be where we are right now!!

It isn’t enough that we have attained this level of peace, confidence, and consistent connection to ourselves and Source energy; we are being called to be your guides while YOU traverse this next level of soul metamorphosis and spiritual self-discovery as well.

How We Support You

During this sacred weekend we will create a powerful and sacred container, provide the tools, and light the way for you to find your own personal reawakening of divine wisdom and connection. We will hold the space and offer guidance while you uncover and release EVERYTHING that no longer serves you to make space for you to REWRITE your story. Then we will support you to assure that your new story will align with your current dreams and goals so that your subconscious can work for you 24/7/365!!

You subconscious is great at working against you with self-sabotage, distraction, or insistent negative self-talk telling you your dreams are unrealistic or impossible, just imagine using it to your advantage instead! Your dreams are valid and you CAN have them all come true. Imagine having your subconscious work for you instead of against you 24/7/365!!

This weekend you have the potential to have the most incredible transformational experience you have ever had!

How You Can Support Yourself

  • If possible, plan to give yourself the weekend “off” from your usual responsibilities and routines.
  • Pre-plan food before the weekend so you don’t have to think about it while you are processing.
  • Consider staying in Mansfield.There are several places to stay in and around Mansfield including hotels, motels, extended stay spots, and even an Airbnb that can accommodate up to 6 guests if you’re coming with your besties!! (just ask and we’ll give you the contact info!!)
  • If you’re staying at home, let everyone know that you will be treating the weekend like a retreat where you will keep interaction to a minimum and pamper yourself in order to get the most out of it.

NEXT Weekend TBD

This weekend of powerful growth will include a variety of experiential paradigm-shattering opportunities such as:  

  • Immersive Art Experiences;
  • Energy Transmissions;
  • Meditation;
  • Journaling; 
  • Group Debriefing;
  • Small Group Work; and
  • Buddy Accountability

This Women-Only Weekend is designed JUST For You IF:

  • You struggle to connect to Source consistently
  • You are frustrated with only being in the flow some of the time
  • You know what you have to do to have your business explode but you can’t seem to do it
  • You are ready to release imposter syndrome and worry about judgement by others
  • You yearn for sisterhood with women who really get you
  • You want to ditch insecurity once and for all
  • You know you need support to accomplish the big dreams you have, but a business coach isn’t checking all the boxes
  • You are ready to feel what it’s like to be fully embodied and connected to your higher self ALL the time
  • You know that taking care of yourself on this scale will benefit EVERYONE and EVERYTHING in your life
  • You are ready to take your spiritual self-discovery to the next level for incredible transformation

If that’s you, it’s time to take the leap into transformation and become a Divine Diva!!!

Commit to your own transformation and join us for the Divine Diva Empowerment Transformational Weekend Intensive to step fully into what’s next for you!

P.S. We have a TON of extra bonuses as a thank you for saying YES to your own transformation!

  • BONUS 1: Special Soul Remembrance Intensive and Accompanying Meditation plus a journal prompt workbook (Value:$250)
  • BONUS 2: How to Create Sacred Space Guide (Value: $97 )
  • BONUS 3: Our Divine Diva Empowerment Workbook: this includes a year’s worth of journal prompts, goal setting exercises, and deep questions to keep your growth on track. (Value: $65)
  • BONUS 4: Divine Diva Meditative Doodling Workbook with Kristi’s hand-drawn doodles for you to color including some mandala templates. (Value: $35)
  • BONUS 5: Interactive Guide to Your Chakras packed with descriptions, as well as ways to clear, balance and expand your chakras. (Value: $30)
  • BONUS 6: An Entire Year of Monthly Written Channeled Messages (Value: $295 )
  • BONUS 7: A 6-month subscription to our Monthly Divine Healing Transmission calls!!! (Value: $250 )
  • BONUS 8: A special surprise gift at the end of our time together from our heart to yours, to fuel the flames of your transformation. (Value: priceless)

VALUE: Over $3500!!!


You get ALL this for only $2497 !!!

P.S.S. Space is VERY limited to 6 women and will sell out!!!!! Secure your seat today!!!

Kristi Johnston

Hello Powerful Ladies!

Amy and Kristi here,

ready to help you EXPLODE tiny fuschia explosionwhat isn’t working, and replace it with YOUR ideal blueprint for an amazing life!!

Why Work With Us?

We are on a mission to show you that life does not have to be hard and that you are ALWAYS supported by Source Energy! Our goal is to assist you in getting out of your own way and allowing the miracles to unfold. To do that, we help you light the path to your own expansion while feeling the guiding love and support of Spirit along the way.

   We’ve been assisting individuals magnify their connection to divine love and light for nearly a decade!  As Reiki Master Teachers and the original receivers of the powerful healing modality Light Connection, we are able to connect easily to Source and are uniquely situated to show others how to do the same! In addition, we have hosted numerous classes and workshops on topics such as meditation, inner child work, chakra balancing, mediumship, table tipping, empath empowerment, akashic records, money manifestation, wealth masterminds, spiritual self-discovery, and more!  

Lastly, we have nearly 50 years of combined business experience!!! Amy even created a multiple six-figure business before age 30! We believe that entrepreneurs are the ultimate creators and as such can have a powerful and meaningful impact on the world and everybody around them.  By assisting spiritual entrepreneurs we know that we can make tsunami-sized waves of change and that’s what we’re setting out to do. 

We Want To Support Your Success

We Value the Power of Community

Humans are hard-wired to be part of community. As a result, we thrive when we’re connected to others, especially those who are on the same path. In support of community, and because of our love for travel and immersive experiences, we’ve led multiple sold-out retreats in Mexico and Newport, RI, where participants experienced amazing spiritual self-discovery. During any gathering, our goal is to assist participants in reaching the undiscovered depths of their Source connection and inner knowing.  Healing and empowerment are always the name of the game!  

We Love Tools for Continued Growth

Shared language is part of creating connection, and to that end we authored the book: “The Map: A Spiritual Guide to Your Soul’s Journey.” This book was even the basis of a theology course at Nichols College! We consider this an excellent “getting started guide” and are knee-deep in writing what you’d call the master’s course. More to come on that later…….. 😉 We’ve also created numerous tools for continued personal expansion that we’ll be sharing with you as unique bonuses!

Join us on this transformational Divine Diva Journey!!!!    

So… are you ready to light *ish on fire, ignite the rocket of your expansion and experience the greatest soul-level transformation you’ve ever experienced???

Student Love & Success Stories

“I had the most wonderful experience working with the Divine Diva System. The cards helped me go into a really deep state of awareness and cleansing in the areas of my body and emotions that had previously contained stagnant energy for a long time. Then I was able to move some of the energy out and dissipate the rest of it. Finally, at the end of this session I was able to find that place of deep stillness of being and settle in. For the first time I was able to fully acknowledge the power that I possess, and see that there is no right or wrong in anything.

I was also able to connect with my inner child in a way that I never had before. We bonded and were able to re-connect on a whole new level. I’m happy to say that she now feels comfortable enough to come out and play with me!

Having Kristi and Amy hold space for me during these sessions was absolutely invaluable. They intuitively knew what I needed to complement this work, and how to be fully present and hold the space for me to be able to go as deep as I did.

They are a gifted, compassionate, and powerful pair. It was a profound and beautiful experience!” -Karen L. Owner, Align by Design

“This was the invitation (the Divine Diva System) to remember who I am and my own power. I could feel Amy and Kristi holding the expansive container where I could breathe and be restored to my blueprint. The spaciousness was really beautiful. Thank you.” -Stephanie Brown, Embodied Wellness and Somatic Embodiment Coach

“These (Divine Diva) images bring me to the present moment. There is an effortless stillness and a groundedness inherent in working with them. I came to recognize that power and lightness, lightheartedness, can coexist. Additionally, I realized that I can and do embody that very thing even if I’m not ‘out there changing the world’ on a grand scale, I’m still living my purpose right now, in this moment. I’m able to carry a lot from a place of strength and choice, not sacrifice.” -Laura Denman, MS, RD, HHC

“Feeling connected more to my inner self. Strength, power, and wisdom! Truly thankful and blessed.” -Becky Kennedy

“Very calming energy with the sharing of information in an environment of love & caring, with no judgement only joy. Very enjoyable & uplifting experience.” – Dot Cambell

“I walked in (to the session) a non-believer but walking out I’m in awe. I’m glad I came and had the experience. I will recommend it.” -Sherry K

“Light Connection (LC) energy brings you into a deeper space within your soul where this eternal part of yourself comes alongside of the human self and gives you access to increased momentum, intuition and excitement about the journey you are on. Without a doubt, LC is like nothing you have ever done before as it is not about past, it is not about healing, it is not about the broken part of your humanness. Rather, it is about being fully present, today. LC is about living in your present, perfected wholeness just beyond the reach of your human understanding. LC gives you access to operate on all of your cylinders. Cylinders that you do not even realize existed within yourself.” – Leigh Ann Larson, MSW, CEO (Light Connection is an integral component of the Divine Diva Discovery Workshop)

“My experience was awesome! I really enjoyed the energy. This was new to me and I would absolutely do it again.”

“I have had three Light Connection sessions over a year and a half (6 months apart) and they have all been amazing experiences. They build on each other expanding your energy and connection to your higher self. The energy provides exactly what you need in that time of your journey. I am a registered nurse who left the corporate world to start my own holistic wellness business. After my session I became energized, motivated and was able to gain a clearer sense of what I wanted to do. I felt a stronger connection to my higher self; I was able to hear spirit more clearly and trust the guidance which gave me more confidence. As a result I was able to put an action plan in place that felt true to my path. The third session was the most powerful as I felt an enormous sense of peace.” -Jill M.

“I loved every bit of this amazing experience that Amy brings. It’s very powerful and a must-do!” -Suzanne S.

“I consider Kristi a natural healer! The time with Kristi is soothing, relaxing, and most of all healing. This is an essential part of my life now.” – Mary Shannon

“This is the place to be if you walk a spiritual path. If you want to grow and learn beyond your wildest dreams, you need to be here!” -Jamie Breden

Divine Feminine Empowerment Journey

Divine Feminine Empowerment Journey

Embody your Divine Feminine with Kristi Johnston

As women we are being called to step powerfully into being co-creators of a more connected, loving, and compassionate world.

Through the Divine Feminine Empowerment Journey You Will:

  • Gain clarity of purpose
  • Expand self-awareness
  • Level up self-confidence
  • Heal your past
  • Ignite your creativity
  • Empower your future

So you can:

  • Always see the next steps towards your goals
  • Set and maintain clear boundaries with ease
  • Meet the needs of your inner child, body, and soul consistently
  • Improve your relationships
  • Express yourself freely
  • Manifest the life of your dreams

As women we are perfectly designed to facilitate relationships, foster understanding, and bring new ideas into this world- but first we need to OWN our Divine Feminine Power. This transformational program will help you fully embody your feminine aspect.

In this journey you will connect more deeply to your body, your higher self, and your inner child through:

  • Channeled imagery
  • Group and personalized coaching
  • Meditation
  • Journaling
  • Supportive sisterhood

Within this sacred container, you will find safe space to take a deep dive into yourself and discover your own knowing.

Using unique Channeled images that unlock access to your subconscious, we will connect with the wisdom of your body, higher self, and inner child. Personalized coaching will support you on how to apply that to your present life, and to shift perspective and offer healing regarding your past to empower your future. The dynamic of the group will uplift and expand your journey into self.

Some of the images from the program:

The channeled imagery acts as an energetic key to unlock access to your subconscious so you may receive the inner wisdom, healing, and personal power you already own.

Over the course of 5 sessions you will engage with the images in the order that they were channeled. We will utilize the power of guided meditation, journaling, coaching, and supportive sisterhood to magnify your intuition in everyday life. This journey will provide profound insight and meaningful shifts in your understanding of self and the world as you know it.

What’s Included:

  • 5  recorded group zoom calls with Kristi Johnston – 90 minutes each
  • Coaching and personalized action steps during each call specific to what your body/inner child/higher self is craving
  • Exercises that will move you into more wholeness, power, connectedness, and peace
  • Downloadable recordings of each session
  • Private chat group for sisterhood support and community connection continues the introspection in between calls
  • Special discount on private 1:1 coaching at any time during the 15 session time span

This group will only have 6 participants to keep it intimate and allow plenty of time for individual coaching as well as build meaningful relationships within the sisterhood.


$733 one-time payment in full


4 payments of $185

Payment link will be sent after application call is completed.

Let’s have a conversation to see if this is a good fit for you. Applicants will be carefully selected to ensure a positive and safe container for this deep personal exploration.

Intrigued but nervous because it’s unfamiliar?

That’s ok, I totally get it! This is a BRAND NEW way to easily connect to your subconscious. Even if you meditate often, you will gain deeper insight with this method. Try it out for yourself and see!

Book a mini session for $33 to try it HERE. If you enroll in the course, the $33 will be applied to the total fee!

I like how this sounds, but I don’t want to be in a group. Check out the 1:1 Journey

Dates and Times: TBD once a group of 4-6 women is formed.

Let’s have a conversation to see if this is a good fit for you. Applicants will be carefully selected to ensure a positive and safe container for this deep personal exploration.


“The Divine Feminine Empowerment Program reminded me that I am always growing and changing, that we are all on this journey of life and experiencing things on different levels, but at the heart of it all it comes back to making time play, tapping into that creativity, and finding peace within. I gained more inner peace and better clarity of my purpose by the end of the workshop. I highly recommend this workshop to anyone who feels they need a reminder, or a confidence boost while on their spiritual journey — this workshop will definitely have you feeling empowered and realigned.”  

Jamie Doyle

“The program offered by Kristi was very enlightening and helpful to me as I shift careers and look towards a future that has many uncertainties. This was my first-time gaining insight from art, meditation and journaling; the process was unique and very effective. I wasn’t sure what to expect at first, but the clarity that came to me as a result of the session and the guidance Kristi provided me in the practical application of my insights was enormously helpful in grounding me and shifting my perspective. Kristi has great energy and profound intuition that gives her the ability to provide incredible wisdom in a gentle and compassionate manner.”

Dominique Ross

“This program was amazing!!!! It truly blew my mind. The messages channeled through were exactly what I needed at the moment and I also really enjoyed the art involved. Truly beautiful. Such a unique way of connecting with my inner child, body and higher self.  I also found when others were sharing— something from each person resonated with me as well. It felt very divine that we were all put together to experience the Divine Empowerment Program together!   Afterwards I was filled with ah ha moments and peace and calm ❤️

Caitlyn Nick


What if I miss a call?

 All calls will be recorded and the replays will be available for download the day after each call if you miss it.

What if there’s a holiday?

We will not have a call on holidays unless the majority of the group decides to have one. If we have decided to have a call and you can’t make it, you can watch the replay and connect online!

I like how this sounds, but I don’t want to be in a group. Check out the 1:1 Journey

Can I get a refund?

There are no refunds for this program. I believe in your power to create results when you are committed to giving 100% to the journey and the work.

Let’s have a conversation about what is coming up for you around investing in yourself and committing to do the work even if it gets uncomfortable.

If you’re excited AND your butt is clenched, that’s how you know it’s time to take yourself on!!

Guided Visual Meditation for Peace and Tranquility

This combination of a channeled watercolor painting and channeled meditation, both by Kristi Johnston will quickly soothe your soul and bring you to a place of peace and tranquility. Meditation is approximately 10 min. long.

Use this whenever you feel scattered, stressed, or anxious.

Guided Visual Meditation for Peace and Tranquility