Join us for a trip to the Mayan Temple at Chichen Itza Dedicated to the Serpent God Kukulcan
March 18- 25, 2017 the Center for Holistic Healing and Art will be traveling to Puerto Morelos, Mexico just south of Cancun for a week-long immersion in self-discovery and expansion and a trip to the pyramids! Amy, Andrea and Kristi will act as guides and mentors for an intimate group for this week away from the ordinary. We will be staying at Secrets Silversands Riviera, an adults only, all-inclusive, 5 star resort on the lovely Mexican Riviera where March temperatures are a delightful 86 degrees on average. The week will include daily meditation plus a variety of metaphysical and creative activities designed to support and encourage you to dive deep within yourself to let your goddess shine. After inner exploration there will be ample time for further self-care by re-charging in the ocean and pools. We will be treated to many types of cuisine and entertainment provided by the resort.
The week will include but is not limited to:
Exploration of the Akashic Records
Light Connection healing
Conversations with Great Spirit
Self-Realization workshops using The Map
Spirit drawing
Intuitive Energy Cards
Meditative doodling
Crystal grid healing
Chakra balancing
This week will be about experiencing these types of things as well as exploring how you are able to connect to more than your 5 senses. Intense opening to self can be challenging, but when done with this group support and balanced with pampering and fun, it creates the path to magnificent growth!
As part of our retreat we will be picked up at the resort by a private van with a personal guide to enjoy a full day excursion to the Mayan Kukulkan Pyramid, local taqueria, shopping and a swim in a cenote (cave with a natural pool). A second, partial day excursion will include a boat trip that will allow us to see and swim with sea turtles and we may also find dolphins!
Your fee will include:
7 nights and 8 days of lodging
24-hr delicious food and top-shelf beverages including room service
Access to beach and pools as well as hot tub and fitness center
Two cultural excursions
All the metaphysical activities and workshops
It may also include round trip airport transportation (still working on that with facility). Prepayment 30 days in advance will allow a $50 discount off total and coupons for spa services. It does not include beverages while on the excursions, tipping of tour guides. You will want to consider money for shopping opportunities and any spa treatments you would like to treat yourself to as well.
Rates are based on double occupancy in hotel suites, two double beds per room, shower, jacuzzi, balcony. It does not include airfare to/from Cancun International Airport. Total investment for this luxurious week of connecting with your inner goddess is $2200. This is what self-love is all about!
If you feel you are meant to join us on this exclusive retreat, contact Kristi at [email protected]t to inquire about availability of space.
Learn more about Chichen Itza and the pyramid here. See photos from 2016 Spiritual Retreat here.
Please select the ticket you wish to purchase at this time- note a deposit of $500 is due no later than Jan. 15 to hold your place, then return to purchase second “ticket” for the balance. This would still be only for you personally, it is not purchaing a second spot on the trip. Dates are for when the money will be debited from your account, actual trip dates are March 18-25. You may also choose to pay the entire balance at once. Please purchase plane tickets into Cancun and be sure to let us know your planned trip details here.
By delving into your Akashic Records, you have the power to examine your life, broaden your perspective, and make more informed choices.
The Akashic Records contain the energetic history of each individual soul and its journey. Within the Records, you will see yourself through the lens of unconditional love and acceptance. This offers a fresh perspective to examine your present and former lives, which will equip you to make the best possible choices for right now.
When you seek information from the Akashic Records, the insight provided can support you in being your best and highest self.
Providing truth, information, and guidance is the role of the Lords of the Akashic Records. You will find clarity, broaden your viewpoint, and understand your own motivation. They will not tell you what to do. They leave the responsibility where it belongs–with you.
Kristi Johnston has been gifted with the ability to access the Akashic Records on your behalf. Readings take approximately 45 minutes including time for reflection and clarification should that be needed. Readings are done over the phone and you may take notes and record your session. Here are examplesof good questions to ask during your session.
Testimonials for Akashic Records Readings with Kristi
Beth Marshall, Attleboro MA : “I was at an extremely confusing and disorienting time in my life and I was looking for answers to help me move beyond a painful space that felt very rocky and uncertain.
The answers that were provided were very detailed, and in almost every instance the information that the Lords of the Records provided through Kristi resonated with me and sometimes even connected the dots between pieces of information I’d received on my own that hadn’t made sense. Throughout my reading, there were things revealed that Kristi could not have possibly known. Ever since my reading, I have experienced a sense of increased joy after releasing something that no longer served me. Energetically, I feel free and that I can step into my future without any baggage of fear holding me back. I would highly recommend a reading with Kristi as an opportunity to gain access to information that will heighten your sense of well-being and accelerate your results!”
Marcia Madonik Coakley; Medway, MA:
“I spent some very special time with Kristi, choosing to surrender myself to receiving whatever guidance and information might be revealed by the process of opening my Records. Kristi’s calm, confident, grounded approach to her journey as a messenger gave me confidence to engage. I expected to hear things that would transform my steps into a leap…a leap into my own bigger creator mission. I did hear such things, and have found these powerful touchstones of encouragement though I could not have imagined how they appeared and sounded. The messages resonated and evoked my experiences, and revealed great imagery and inspiration. I felt seen and understood, encouraged, and challenged to rise and reveal myself to a larger community, tribe, design and path.” Johnston Johnston2016-06-12 17:37:042022-11-04 23:10:03Akashic Record Readings
I will never forget the moment I met Andrea Kukulka. We actually met at the Women’s Business Network. One Tuesday morning back in early 2012, I was standing at the resource table at WBN when Andrea came up to me. The second I looked up and saw Andrea I had the most intense feeling of Déjà vu. The room around her started to move and I felt like I was going to faint. She put her hand out, introduced herself, and told me that she was a medium.
“A medium?!” I thought to myself, I really was going to faint. I managed to squeak out my name, told her I was an attorney, and then bolted to the other side of the room so I didn’t have to say anything else. It had been a year since my father passed away and I was in NO position to talk about his death in an open forum. What if she was speaking with my dad right now?! What if she could tell he died?! What if she says something?! Oh, no! I don’t want to break down in tears right here! All of these thoughts rushed through my head. I loved and missed my dad so much, I did not want to open the door to heartache in front of a bunch of newly found business acquaintances. I avoided Andrea like the plague and cowered in fear. We didn’t talk again until 2014.
The only thing abundantly clear about my life back in 2012 was that it was not working. Within one year I had lost my dad, graduated law school, moved, passed the bar, got married, re-located my mom, and welcomed my nephew to the world. I was drowning in grief, riddled with anxiety, and I could not get out of my own way.
As an a-type overachiever and I had no idea what to do next. I figured if I just immersed myself in building my business life would magically get better and the pain would go away. Except, it didn’t. The only thing that continued to grow was the numbers on the scale and the hours I had gone without sleeping. Some days I literally felt as though I was having a heart attack. I was debilitated with heartache and I believed that I simply had to “keep going”.
I was miserable and something had to give. That Fall, through my business coach, my life changed forever. I was introduced to the concept of mindset. Thoughts create things? Positivity sets the outcome? Yeah…..okay, if you say so! The only reaction I had to that was snark. I heard of, I actually even read The Secret (it was Oprah recommended!), but I never really understood and I wasn’t willing to buy-in. I blew it off as jargon, rested my hat on my belief that it was my intelligence that had taken me that far, and went on my way. The only problem was that I was stuck big time. I was in the thick of it and nothing was getting better. So I figured, what the heck! I had nothing to lose.
I decided to jump on the mindset train. If it worked for all of those other entrepreneurs it could certainly work for me. What started off as a business building tactic turned into something greater than I ever could have imagined. I became a mind-set/law of attraction junky. I entered the world of self-discovery and introspection in an unprecedented manner. I started pouring over books by people like Jack Canfield, Napoleon Hill, Bob Proctor, Michael Neil, and I immersed myself in one of Fabienne Fredrickson’s Mindset Retreats.
The spark was ignited, there was no turning back. I devoured anything I could get my hands on. I was a sponge. And then, funny enough….I started feeling better! Not only that, I even met my business partner within the next few weeks (more on that at a later time)! Day-by-day, life was improving. Things were starting to click. Life was shifting and I started expanding. I began meditating, going to reiki and acupuncture, and I learned the hard way the importance of self-care. I was on a never-ending quest for internal peace.
Then, one day, on a whim in a coffee shop in February 2013, I was introduced to Table Tipping. Excuse me, table what??? Yes, table tipping. My friend described to me this experience whereby they sat around a table and received messages from departed relatives by the table tapping out a message. I thought my head was going to explode. “What?! What do you mean you received a message from a dead relative through a table?!?!” I had zero comprehension of this. I was told that the table would tip once for “yes” and twice for “no” and would spell out messages by tapping out the letters of the alphabet.
I was dumbfounded. I had no idea what to say. At that point in my life I had never been to a medium, I never really sought out those types of experiences, and I was skeptical to say the least. The only thing I had done even remotely close was go to a palm reader once with a friend. However, an invitation was extended and I took the bait. Hook, line and sinker, if this was for real and what I was told was true, I wanted in! I thought to myself that there was NO WAY that it could be real and I had to find out for myself.
The following week, in a small intimate group of absolute strangers, I had my first Table Tipping experience. I was blown away. As expected, and why I avoided Andrea upon first meeting her, I started crying immediately. An ugly cry. Snot and tears everywhere, there was no holding back. I was in pain, and the second I felt my dad’s presence I experienced a release like none other. I received messages from Dad and others for over 3 hours. I couldn’t believe what had just occurred. I was hooked. I wanted to be connected to my father at all moments. I wanted to open the channel. I needed to know more and do more and feel more. I wanted to feel his presence with me at all times and that is exactly what table delivered. I was in awe.
Table for me became an incredible tool for healing. Through this new found communication I was able to close the wounds and find comfort. I found love and support from my dad in a new way. Our relationship had changed, but it was still there and it remained palpable. And so, like any good overachiever, I was determined to figure out how I could table tip on my own. A new path for expansion had opened, I acquired my table (another divine unimaginable experience), and the journey continued.
Fast forward to March of 2014 and I was yearning for even more. Other than the small group of individuals that had introduced me to table tipping, I had promised myself that I was not going to utter a single word about any of this to anybody, EVER. However, I wanted to test this out with new people. I was on a quest for further validation. Yes, I was even skeptical of myself at that point. I knew Andrea was in WBN and I needed a way to practice and continue to expand. I also knew she would be able to validate what was I was receiving. I held my breath, and sent an e-mail.
After a few bumps in the road (another funny story for a later date), we made a plan to meet. The second she felt the table move we were instantly connected. One meeting later, I met Kristi. The rest is history. A dead dad, a business meeting, a table, a medium, a few details in between, and here I am, perfect, whole, and complete, with my trilogy.
What comes next? I’m not sure. What I do know is that I was put here on this earth to specifically help people through their own times of transition, whatever that looks like for them. Whether that be through the law, healing, messaging, or whatever else they need. I have been put in a unique position to offer assistance and I am able to offer such with the perfect amounts of both strength and compassion. I’m taking myself on, I’m reaching new heights, I’m allowing my own effortless expansion, and I’m inviting you all to follow along.
As I move into my first home, I am simultaneously becoming a Mansfield resident as my name goes up on Main Street as part of the Center for Holistic Healing and Art. The three of us are so excited for our new journey together and I am so excited to share this part of me and to share these opportunities with all of you. Believe me when I say, there is more to come!
So if you will, please sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride. I know I sure will. With Love,
Amy Antonellis Antonellis2015-12-21 17:27:412020-04-03 12:21:15How the Lawyer Met the Medium, an Unlikely Love Story
I love theater and this is a quote from “Defying Gravity”, a song from the musical Wicked. I admit, somewhat sheepishly, that until now I didn’t really know what it meant in the context of the song. Recently the full intent of it hit me like a ton of brick. I had just received a message from spirit that basically pushed me out of the proverbial (cozy and warm) nest and the realization that once awakened to the full enormity of All that is, it is impossible “to go back to sleep”. How I processed that went something like : “wow, that was a lot of intense information, all I really want to do is crawl in a corner and forget about it for a while, maybe it won’t seem so challenging after a bit of time away from it.” Pause for thinking and a little hyperventilating, then “oh, that was the message. There is no more time, the time is now and I have to act. Shoot! Can’t I just have a little more time pretending I don’t know it? No? Oh blast.” Then the song came into my head and a light bulb went on. That’s what the song meant! Once youknow, you can’t pretend that you don’t know. You can’t “go back to sleep.” You have to move forward and put fear, doubt and second-guessing aside.
Are you in that place where youknow but you are still letting apprehension or self-doubt prevent you from taking the next step? Are you pretending that you don’t know and staying in your cozy corner? We understand! That’s what we are here for at the Center for Holistic Healing and Art, to support you in that scary unknown where you step out of your comfort zone and into the Light of endless possibility!! We have many opportunities for you to explore the amazing world beyond our 5 senses. If you need information on something we’re not offering- let us know right here on the blog. We love input!
Feeling like you might be ready to immerse yourself in this kind of learning? We have a week-long retreat in paradise March of 2016 to do just that. There is still time to register and get a $100 discount here: Find out more info here.
Wishing you Love and Light, Kristi Antonellis Antonellis2015-12-21 17:03:022015-12-21 17:03:02Too Late to go Back To Sleep
Sometimes what we do physically is related to what we are doing/need to do internally or spiritually. Today was one of those days for me. After taking the air conditioner out of my kitchen window, I was prompted to clean the glass inside and out so I could – you see where I’m going with this – see clearly.
Over the past few weeks I have had a recurrent issue with waking up and having first one and then the other eye swollen nearly shut. After it happened a second time Andrea asked me “What aren’t you seeing?” I shrugged it off, not being able to think of anything off the top of my head that I had been avoiding, or turning away from. Now with the clean windows an old church hymn from my youth comes to mind “Open My Eyes” by Clara H. Scott. Written in 1895, it is as current today as when she wrote it over 100 years ago! Here are a few lines from it:
“Open my eyes that I may see glimpses of truth thou hast for me place in my hand that wonderful key that shall unclasp and set me free.”
” Open my eyes, ears and heart, illumine me, Spirit divine.”
I take this to mean that I need to be even more aware and “looking out” for the truth and illumination of the Spirit and how I may use it to serve and connect with others. I will keep this in mind and endeavor to be a bearer of Light as I interact with people through my art, Reiki, Light Connection, and mediumship.
Kristi has two great passions, art and supporting women on their journey to tap into their own Divine wisdom. Her ability to feel into other people’s emotions allows her to connect on a deep, soul level where she can meet you where you are and help you identify what is working in your life and what you can shift to live into your greatest potential.
Kristi understands that knowing and doing are two separate things, and often the biggest indicator of success is what kind of support you have. She is an expert at taking the Law Of Attraction principles, self-awareness, and gratitude and breaking them down into manageable, applicable steps so that you can see exactly what to do next to get where you want to go.
As an Akashic Records reader, Holy Fire III Reiki Master Teacher, medium, and intuitive, Kristi has a wide range of tools to support you in your quest to live life with the deepest peace and the greatest joy. She offers Divine Feminine Empowerment, and Emotional Integration Programs as well as Reiki classes for children age 9 and up with her own Reiki for Children Workbook.
If you are searching for a guide on your journey of personal expansion, Kristi will offer joyful support.
Join us for a trip to the Mayan Temple at Chichen Itza Dedicated to the Serpent God Kukulcan
March 18- 25, 2017 the Center for Holistic Healing and Art will be traveling to Puerto Morelos, Mexico just south of Cancun for a week-long immersion in self-discovery and expansion and a trip to the pyramids! Amy, Andrea and Kristi will act as guides and mentors for an intimate group for this week away from the ordinary. We will be staying at Secrets Silversands Riviera, an adults only, all-inclusive, 5 star resort on the lovely Mexican Riviera where March temperatures are a delightful 86 degrees on average. The week will include daily meditation plus a variety of metaphysical and creative activities designed to support and encourage you to dive deep within yourself to let your goddess shine. After inner exploration there will be ample time for further self-care by re-charging in the ocean and pools. We will be treated to many types of cuisine and entertainment provided by the resort.
The week will include but is not limited to:
Exploration of the Akashic Records
Light Connection healing
Conversations with Great Spirit
Self-Realization workshops using The Map
Spirit drawing
Intuitive Energy Cards
Meditative doodling
Crystal grid healing
Chakra balancing
This week will be about experiencing these types of things as well as exploring how you are able to connect to more than your 5 senses. Intense opening to self can be challenging, but when done with this group support and balanced with pampering and fun, it creates the path to magnificent growth!
As part of our retreat we will be picked up at the resort by a private van with a personal guide to enjoy a full day excursion to the Mayan Kukulkan Pyramid, local taqueria, shopping and a swim in a cenote (cave with a natural pool). A second, partial day excursion will include a boat trip that will allow us to see and swim with sea turtles and we may also find dolphins!
Your fee will include:
7 nights and 8 days of lodging
24-hr delicious food and top-shelf beverages including room service
Access to beach and pools as well as hot tub and fitness center
Two cultural excursions
All the metaphysical activities and workshops
It may also include round trip airport transportation (still working on that with facility). Prepayment 30 days in advance will allow a $50 discount off total and coupons for spa services. It does not include beverages while on the excursions, tipping of tour guides. You will want to consider money for shopping opportunities and any spa treatments you would like to treat yourself to as well.
Rates are based on double occupancy in hotel suites, two double beds per room, shower, jacuzzi, balcony. It does not include airfare to/from Cancun International Airport. Total investment for this luxurious week of connecting with your inner goddess is $2200. This is what self-love is all about!
If you feel you are meant to join us on this exclusive retreat, contact Kristi at [email protected]t to inquire about availability of space.
Learn more about Chichen Itza and the pyramid here. See photos from 2016 Spiritual Retreat here.
Please select the ticket you wish to purchase at this time- note a deposit of $500 is due no later than Jan. 15 to hold your place, then return to purchase second “ticket” for the balance. This would still be only for you personally, it is not purchaing a second spot on the trip. Dates are for when the money will be debited from your account, actual trip dates are March 18-25. You may also choose to pay the entire balance at once. Please purchase plane tickets into Cancun and be sure to let us know your planned trip details here.
By delving into your Akashic Records, you have the power to examine your life, broaden your perspective, and make more informed choices.
The Akashic Records contain the energetic history of each individual soul and its journey. Within the Records, you will see yourself through the lens of unconditional love and acceptance. This offers a fresh perspective to examine your present and former lives, which will equip you to make the best possible choices for right now.
When you seek information from the Akashic Records, the insight provided can support you in being your best and highest self.
Providing truth, information, and guidance is the role of the Lords of the Akashic Records. You will find clarity, broaden your viewpoint, and understand your own motivation. They will not tell you what to do. They leave the responsibility where it belongs–with you.
Kristi Johnston has been gifted with the ability to access the Akashic Records on your behalf. Readings take approximately 45 minutes including time for reflection and clarification should that be needed. Readings are done over the phone and you may take notes and record your session. Here are examplesof good questions to ask during your session.
Testimonials for Akashic Records Readings with Kristi
Beth Marshall, Attleboro MA : “I was at an extremely confusing and disorienting time in my life and I was looking for answers to help me move beyond a painful space that felt very rocky and uncertain.
The answers that were provided were very detailed, and in almost every instance the information that the Lords of the Records provided through Kristi resonated with me and sometimes even connected the dots between pieces of information I’d received on my own that hadn’t made sense. Throughout my reading, there were things revealed that Kristi could not have possibly known. Ever since my reading, I have experienced a sense of increased joy after releasing something that no longer served me. Energetically, I feel free and that I can step into my future without any baggage of fear holding me back. I would highly recommend a reading with Kristi as an opportunity to gain access to information that will heighten your sense of well-being and accelerate your results!”
Marcia Madonik Coakley; Medway, MA:
“I spent some very special time with Kristi, choosing to surrender myself to receiving whatever guidance and information might be revealed by the process of opening my Records. Kristi’s calm, confident, grounded approach to her journey as a messenger gave me confidence to engage. I expected to hear things that would transform my steps into a leap…a leap into my own bigger creator mission. I did hear such things, and have found these powerful touchstones of encouragement though I could not have imagined how they appeared and sounded. The messages resonated and evoked my experiences, and revealed great imagery and inspiration. I felt seen and understood, encouraged, and challenged to rise and reveal myself to a larger community, tribe, design and path.” Johnston Johnston2016-06-12 17:37:042022-11-04 23:10:03Akashic Record Readings
I will never forget the moment I met Andrea Kukulka. We actually met at the Women’s Business Network. One Tuesday morning back in early 2012, I was standing at the resource table at WBN when Andrea came up to me. The second I looked up and saw Andrea I had the most intense feeling of Déjà vu. The room around her started to move and I felt like I was going to faint. She put her hand out, introduced herself, and told me that she was a medium.
“A medium?!” I thought to myself, I really was going to faint. I managed to squeak out my name, told her I was an attorney, and then bolted to the other side of the room so I didn’t have to say anything else. It had been a year since my father passed away and I was in NO position to talk about his death in an open forum. What if she was speaking with my dad right now?! What if she could tell he died?! What if she says something?! Oh, no! I don’t want to break down in tears right here! All of these thoughts rushed through my head. I loved and missed my dad so much, I did not want to open the door to heartache in front of a bunch of newly found business acquaintances. I avoided Andrea like the plague and cowered in fear. We didn’t talk again until 2014.
The only thing abundantly clear about my life back in 2012 was that it was not working. Within one year I had lost my dad, graduated law school, moved, passed the bar, got married, re-located my mom, and welcomed my nephew to the world. I was drowning in grief, riddled with anxiety, and I could not get out of my own way.
As an a-type overachiever and I had no idea what to do next. I figured if I just immersed myself in building my business life would magically get better and the pain would go away. Except, it didn’t. The only thing that continued to grow was the numbers on the scale and the hours I had gone without sleeping. Some days I literally felt as though I was having a heart attack. I was debilitated with heartache and I believed that I simply had to “keep going”.
I was miserable and something had to give. That Fall, through my business coach, my life changed forever. I was introduced to the concept of mindset. Thoughts create things? Positivity sets the outcome? Yeah…..okay, if you say so! The only reaction I had to that was snark. I heard of, I actually even read The Secret (it was Oprah recommended!), but I never really understood and I wasn’t willing to buy-in. I blew it off as jargon, rested my hat on my belief that it was my intelligence that had taken me that far, and went on my way. The only problem was that I was stuck big time. I was in the thick of it and nothing was getting better. So I figured, what the heck! I had nothing to lose.
I decided to jump on the mindset train. If it worked for all of those other entrepreneurs it could certainly work for me. What started off as a business building tactic turned into something greater than I ever could have imagined. I became a mind-set/law of attraction junky. I entered the world of self-discovery and introspection in an unprecedented manner. I started pouring over books by people like Jack Canfield, Napoleon Hill, Bob Proctor, Michael Neil, and I immersed myself in one of Fabienne Fredrickson’s Mindset Retreats.
The spark was ignited, there was no turning back. I devoured anything I could get my hands on. I was a sponge. And then, funny enough….I started feeling better! Not only that, I even met my business partner within the next few weeks (more on that at a later time)! Day-by-day, life was improving. Things were starting to click. Life was shifting and I started expanding. I began meditating, going to reiki and acupuncture, and I learned the hard way the importance of self-care. I was on a never-ending quest for internal peace.
Then, one day, on a whim in a coffee shop in February 2013, I was introduced to Table Tipping. Excuse me, table what??? Yes, table tipping. My friend described to me this experience whereby they sat around a table and received messages from departed relatives by the table tapping out a message. I thought my head was going to explode. “What?! What do you mean you received a message from a dead relative through a table?!?!” I had zero comprehension of this. I was told that the table would tip once for “yes” and twice for “no” and would spell out messages by tapping out the letters of the alphabet.
I was dumbfounded. I had no idea what to say. At that point in my life I had never been to a medium, I never really sought out those types of experiences, and I was skeptical to say the least. The only thing I had done even remotely close was go to a palm reader once with a friend. However, an invitation was extended and I took the bait. Hook, line and sinker, if this was for real and what I was told was true, I wanted in! I thought to myself that there was NO WAY that it could be real and I had to find out for myself.
The following week, in a small intimate group of absolute strangers, I had my first Table Tipping experience. I was blown away. As expected, and why I avoided Andrea upon first meeting her, I started crying immediately. An ugly cry. Snot and tears everywhere, there was no holding back. I was in pain, and the second I felt my dad’s presence I experienced a release like none other. I received messages from Dad and others for over 3 hours. I couldn’t believe what had just occurred. I was hooked. I wanted to be connected to my father at all moments. I wanted to open the channel. I needed to know more and do more and feel more. I wanted to feel his presence with me at all times and that is exactly what table delivered. I was in awe.
Table for me became an incredible tool for healing. Through this new found communication I was able to close the wounds and find comfort. I found love and support from my dad in a new way. Our relationship had changed, but it was still there and it remained palpable. And so, like any good overachiever, I was determined to figure out how I could table tip on my own. A new path for expansion had opened, I acquired my table (another divine unimaginable experience), and the journey continued.
Fast forward to March of 2014 and I was yearning for even more. Other than the small group of individuals that had introduced me to table tipping, I had promised myself that I was not going to utter a single word about any of this to anybody, EVER. However, I wanted to test this out with new people. I was on a quest for further validation. Yes, I was even skeptical of myself at that point. I knew Andrea was in WBN and I needed a way to practice and continue to expand. I also knew she would be able to validate what was I was receiving. I held my breath, and sent an e-mail.
After a few bumps in the road (another funny story for a later date), we made a plan to meet. The second she felt the table move we were instantly connected. One meeting later, I met Kristi. The rest is history. A dead dad, a business meeting, a table, a medium, a few details in between, and here I am, perfect, whole, and complete, with my trilogy.
What comes next? I’m not sure. What I do know is that I was put here on this earth to specifically help people through their own times of transition, whatever that looks like for them. Whether that be through the law, healing, messaging, or whatever else they need. I have been put in a unique position to offer assistance and I am able to offer such with the perfect amounts of both strength and compassion. I’m taking myself on, I’m reaching new heights, I’m allowing my own effortless expansion, and I’m inviting you all to follow along.
As I move into my first home, I am simultaneously becoming a Mansfield resident as my name goes up on Main Street as part of the Center for Holistic Healing and Art. The three of us are so excited for our new journey together and I am so excited to share this part of me and to share these opportunities with all of you. Believe me when I say, there is more to come!
So if you will, please sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride. I know I sure will. With Love,
Amy Antonellis Antonellis2015-12-21 17:27:412020-04-03 12:21:15How the Lawyer Met the Medium, an Unlikely Love Story
I love theater and this is a quote from “Defying Gravity”, a song from the musical Wicked. I admit, somewhat sheepishly, that until now I didn’t really know what it meant in the context of the song. Recently the full intent of it hit me like a ton of brick. I had just received a message from spirit that basically pushed me out of the proverbial (cozy and warm) nest and the realization that once awakened to the full enormity of All that is, it is impossible “to go back to sleep”. How I processed that went something like : “wow, that was a lot of intense information, all I really want to do is crawl in a corner and forget about it for a while, maybe it won’t seem so challenging after a bit of time away from it.” Pause for thinking and a little hyperventilating, then “oh, that was the message. There is no more time, the time is now and I have to act. Shoot! Can’t I just have a little more time pretending I don’t know it? No? Oh blast.” Then the song came into my head and a light bulb went on. That’s what the song meant! Once youknow, you can’t pretend that you don’t know. You can’t “go back to sleep.” You have to move forward and put fear, doubt and second-guessing aside.
Are you in that place where youknow but you are still letting apprehension or self-doubt prevent you from taking the next step? Are you pretending that you don’t know and staying in your cozy corner? We understand! That’s what we are here for at the Center for Holistic Healing and Art, to support you in that scary unknown where you step out of your comfort zone and into the Light of endless possibility!! We have many opportunities for you to explore the amazing world beyond our 5 senses. If you need information on something we’re not offering- let us know right here on the blog. We love input!
Feeling like you might be ready to immerse yourself in this kind of learning? We have a week-long retreat in paradise March of 2016 to do just that. There is still time to register and get a $100 discount here: Find out more info here.
Wishing you Love and Light, Kristi Antonellis Antonellis2015-12-21 17:03:022015-12-21 17:03:02Too Late to go Back To Sleep
Sometimes what we do physically is related to what we are doing/need to do internally or spiritually. Today was one of those days for me. After taking the air conditioner out of my kitchen window, I was prompted to clean the glass inside and out so I could – you see where I’m going with this – see clearly.
Over the past few weeks I have had a recurrent issue with waking up and having first one and then the other eye swollen nearly shut. After it happened a second time Andrea asked me “What aren’t you seeing?” I shrugged it off, not being able to think of anything off the top of my head that I had been avoiding, or turning away from. Now with the clean windows an old church hymn from my youth comes to mind “Open My Eyes” by Clara H. Scott. Written in 1895, it is as current today as when she wrote it over 100 years ago! Here are a few lines from it:
“Open my eyes that I may see glimpses of truth thou hast for me place in my hand that wonderful key that shall unclasp and set me free.”
” Open my eyes, ears and heart, illumine me, Spirit divine.”
I take this to mean that I need to be even more aware and “looking out” for the truth and illumination of the Spirit and how I may use it to serve and connect with others. I will keep this in mind and endeavor to be a bearer of Light as I interact with people through my art, Reiki, Light Connection, and mediumship.
Kristi has two great passions, art and supporting women on their journey to tap into their own Divine wisdom. Her ability to feel into other people’s emotions allows her to connect on a deep, soul level where she can meet you where you are and help you identify what is working in your life and what you can shift to live into your greatest potential.
Kristi understands that knowing and doing are two separate things, and often the biggest indicator of success is what kind of support you have. She is an expert at taking the Law Of Attraction principles, self-awareness, and gratitude and breaking them down into manageable, applicable steps so that you can see exactly what to do next to get where you want to go.
As an Akashic Records reader, Holy Fire III Reiki Master Teacher, medium, and intuitive, Kristi has a wide range of tools to support you in your quest to live life with the deepest peace and the greatest joy. She offers Divine Feminine Empowerment, and Emotional Integration Programs as well as Reiki classes for children age 9 and up with her own Reiki for Children Workbook.
If you are searching for a guide on your journey of personal expansion, Kristi will offer joyful support.