Where Are You Holding Back?

The time is now, restraint is in the rear-view mirror!

To say that everything is transforming feels like an understatement. The word transformation doesn’t quite match the magnitude of what we’re shattering and rebuilding. Metamorphosis is better….although, not quite. In addition to all the shake-ups at the Divine Energy Collaborative, we’re writing another book! This is the first we’ve told anybody about it and we’re not even close to finished. We’ve discovered with this book that we’re not allowed to continue writing until we really dig deep and work through the concepts Spirit is presenting. It’s almost like a spiritual guidebook and a memoire, everything you will eventually read, we’ve tackled head-on. It doesn’t get put to paper unless we’ve worked through the concepts ourselves!

In the meantime, we were instructed to share this this quote with you:

“You belong to this earth as much as you belong to the energy of the universe. You don’t have to prove anything to anyone to gain admittance.” 

This quote struck us like a lightning bolt. We see people repeatedly stop themselves short because they feel like they don’t belong, that they don’t have what it takes, that they’re not possibly smart enough, important enough, good enough, simply enough, to go after exactly what it is they desire in their lives. They sell themselves short because in their minds they couldn’t possibly be the person capable of delivering. These stories run deep, especially for women, and many times they don’t even allow themselves to feel the true extent of their desires because they have no faith in the possibility. So, we shut ourselves off, we shut ourselves down, and we hide. The result? We perpetually remain small.

What would it look like if you truly felt the unconditional love of source energy, if you truly felt like you belonged? What would you say? What would you do? Where would your dreams lead you? We know you have dreams, but what if your dreams could be magnified to reflect your heart’s truest desire? A true symphony of your soul projected from your consciousness out into the world? Where would you be then?

Our goal is for every woman to feel the unconditional love of source energy, to help people magnify their innate connection, to show people that they do belong, and that they are the ultimate source of creation. Everything we do moving forward is going to be in that vein and we’re really excited about the journey! 

Our first event in 2024 is our Divine Diva Discovery Workshop. This weekend-intensive is specifically designed for women who are seeking to step into their brilliance and own their power and role in the universe. During our time together, we create a sacred container that magnifies your connection to self and source, deepens your sense of openness and belonging, and removes internal blocks to allow the infinite to unfold. We’re looking to shake things up and awaken everyone along the way!!! 

This weekend is limited to 10 people!!! If you’re ready to step into the Divine and magnify your true potential click the link below to save your seat!!!!


This event WILL SELL OUT!!! Early bird pricing is available now until Jan. 1st! Use the code EARLYBIRD to save $164!!!

For more information on this incredible opportunity, check it out here!

Stop Taking Poison Expecting Other People to Suffer

For me, one of the most challenging parts of being in relationship with others is that you have to let them take their journey for themselves. Regardless of what I may think, I have no control over how they react, what they say, how they process, or how they move forward, NONE.  My thoughts on someone else’s life are completely irrelevant.  This has come up for me recently in the context of forgiveness.  Specifically, when conflict arises how does one truly forgive and move forward?

Nobody is immune from conflict with others.  Conflicts come in many forms and in many different types of relationships.  Whether it’s a child, parent, teacher, boss, lover, etc. you’re going to deal with conflict at some point in your life.  What makes conflict particularly challenging is that you have zero control over another’s engagement and whether you will receive an apology.  The best part? You get to decide whether you require an apology and what that actually means to you.  Aren’t relationships fun?! YAY! Haha.

Throughout the years, in many of my relationships, I’ve struggled with whether an apology is required in order for me to find peace and forgive them.  I’ve played this game both ways, I’ve had a direct conversation with the individual and I’ve also played along with the other party as though nothing’s happened.  My preference is being direct and that has always led to the best outcome for me.  I feel out-of-sorts when I can’t confront things head on.  But what happens if the other party doesn’t want to participate? What if you reach out and get crickets? What then? Does it matter? Do you simply bury your head in the sand and decide to stay angry or bury your feelings and play along as if nothing happened?

Suprisingly, the other party’s participation is completely irrelevant to which path you choose!  If you’re feeling wronged, you must first identify what you’re truly feeling and why you are feeling that way.  From there, you have a choice. Are you going to let your aggrieved feelings take away your peace or are you going to reach for a better feeling emotion?  Although a common knee-jerk reaction may be to request an apology and wait for one, you must decide what you’re going to do if one is never coming.  Spoiler alert, staying angry is not the answer!

It may feel counterintuitive, but when you choose anger over forgiveness, YOU are the only person that truly suffers.  Staying in anger allows others to occupy your mind space and it results in you giving away your power.  Keep beating the drum of anger, you’re going to get more anger! There’s a huge price that you pay for that.  It’s akin to taking poison and expecting the other person to suffer.    

So how do you find peace in conflict? You must clear the emotional space that has been taken up within you.  You must face your emotions on your own despite the other party’s involvement.  After you ask yourself what you are feeling and why you are feeling that way, attempt to describe the situation in a neutral manner. Can you write about it devoid of emotion? Can you tell somebody without inflammatory language? No? Okay, you’ve got more work to do.  Kick and scream a little more and then try again.  You must get yourself to the point where you can describe the event as neutral.  From there, the real healing can begin.

I have a step-by-step process that I’ve used to clear some major conflicts in my life.  It starts with a willingness within me to feel less angry and a desire to regain my peace.  While it’s not possible to outline the entire process here, above is an excellent starting point!  If any of this resonates with you, I also have an invitation for you to get you further along in your healing journey.

On December 7th, from 7:30-8:30 pm Kristi and I are offering a FREE virtual Divine Diva Mini-Experience.  This channeled immersive art experience can facilitate you getting to the place where you’re willing to release any stuck emotions buried within.  From there, you choose how to move forward, and you can take your next steps with greater clarity and an anchoring to the Divine.  Please join us in opening your heart, filling you with light, and safely and gently removing your roadblocks.  If you’re ready to start bringing your life to the next level head-on, this event is for you!  

This event will not be recorded.  Please click here to RSVP.  We hope to see you there!   

With love and light,
