Do you have an idea about the direction you would like your life to take but don’t know how to find that path? Do you dream about things you want to do in the future but you can’t imagine how they will come about? This class is for you! It’s not about figuring out HOW to make things happen, (Spirit will take care of that) it’s about putting those vague ideas or dreams all together in one place with pictures and words so you can SEE these things happening and think about them daily. It is turning your ideas, hopes and dreams into something concrete and tangible, and in doing so bringing them closer to reality!
To prepare for this workshop, collect photos from the internet, magazines or your own files that relate to what you would like to have happen in your life. They can be literal or figurative references of your top 3 dreams and goals. Make a list of words/phrases that best describe the top 3 most important things you wish to see in your future. Plan to bring these to the class.
We will have additional resources for you to put together your board including the board itself. Coming with at least some images and your list will help best use the class time for you to actually create your board!
Saturday February 27th at the Center for Holistic Healing and Art, 263 N. Main St., Mansfield MA
1pm – 3 pm
$25 includes all supplies
RSVP by paying in advance HERE