Rays of Light Connection™
Rays of Light Connection is an introductory experience to a new healing modality known as Light Connection. It is offered to groups of 4-40 people at a time. Amy Antonellis and Kristi Johnston raise the vibration and create a vortex of positive energy to open and balance everyone’s heart chakras.
Light Connection™ is a modality transmitted directly to Amy Antonellis and Kristi Johnston on March 2, 2015 from a collective of Light Beings known to them as Great Spirit. It is offered not through the practitioners, but into the space they create and hold open for pure Light Energy to enter and produce change within the soul of the receiver. This life-changing energy is so big, it takes 2 practitioners to sustain the vortex that invites it in for a single individual’s benefit.
How Will I Benefit From a Rays of Light Connection?
It is designed to open up and balance your heart chakra which offers the following benefits:
-Clear out old beliefs and emotional pain.
-Aid in your release of feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt.
-Allow you to freely receive abundance, success, and joy.
-Accelerate your ability to manifest your intentions.
What Can I Expect During a Rays of Light Connection?
This healing modality is conveyed by Amy and Kristi and will begin with a brief meditation and intention setting to raise your energetic vibration while you focus on the positive things you would like to see manifest in your life. Together they will create the vortex that pulls in this amazing pure energy of Love and open up each person’s heart. They will move the energy around the room as they hold space for each individual present to receive exactly what they need. They will close with a brief grounding meditation and positive intentions to help you continue to magnify your goals.
Prepare yourself for accelerated healing and growth. Join Kristi and Amy as they fill the room- and your heart, with the magnified energy of Light Connection™.
Are you ready to take the next step in your own expression of Love?
Investment: $45/person
Please note!! Rays of Light Connection™ will magnify whatever energy you have been emitting and continue to emit. Be mindful of where you focus your attention!
*Rays of Light Connection can be done for a group as small as 4 or 5, or as large as 40. If you have a large group and would like us to do it in your business, please reach out to us and we will gladly make plans to bring this amazing Heart Opening event to your community too.